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Do you smoke?


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  • 1 month later...

No, I don't smoke anymore. I used to smoke way back in college. When I found out I was pregnant, I immediately stopped (unrealistic but true). My father and mother doesn't smoke so I also want to give that smoke free environment to my child. We all know that secondary smoke is more dangerous than first hand so I wouldn't gamble my daughter's health. As much as possible, we also go to smoke-free areas.

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No I do not smoke at all I hate the smell of cigaretts especially since they give me bad headaches. My family does not smoke either so I basically grew up in a non smoking home, plus I think that it is just nasty for women to smoke anyway. I mean why would you want to walk around smelling like cigarettes all day. I know someone that smokes all the time and even around kids, and to me that is a no no as well. I have a cousin that smells like cigarettes every time I go and see him cause one of my family members is with someone that smokes. I hate it and it is a bad habit as well.

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No, I do not smoke. Cancer is pretty common in my family, and my grandmother just passed away from lung cancer. The last thing I want to do is add to my risk by smoking. Also, I plan to have children soon, and I do not want to endanger them or have them grow up in a smoke filled environment.

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I did try to smoke back when I was on my teens. Well, it's out of curiosity I think.

But now, I never did it again. I know that nicotine results in certain serious illnesses and I don't want to suffer from those. Besides, I love my kids and I don't want them to inhale the second-hand smoke if ever.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

I don't smoke and worse the smoke form smokers affects me. I cant stand the smell and feel like suffocating. God knew my predicament and that is way he blessed me with a man who doesn't smoke either. I do warn my kids and fellow family young kids about the disaster that smoking can bring not only to their health but to third degree smoking too.

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No, I do not smoke and in fact, really dislike it as a habit. I grew up in a family with many smokers and began to resent the passive smoking role being thrust upon me...as a child, what can you do?

As an adult, I remove myself even when another lights up around me. Mainly for health reasons, as my sinuses immediately become blocked up.

I think it is not one of the best practices but to each his own, and I respect that - just not around me.

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I am 18 years old, and I have never smoked. I never am going to either. Smoking just never has appealed to me. It's harmful to yourself, addicting, and expensive. I only have one life to live, so why would I do something so dangerous which could make my life shorter? I think also my family has influenced me not to smoke. I know that kids of parents who smoke often end up smoking as well. My parents don't smoke so I have been around a non-smoking environment my whole life.

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  • 8 years later...

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