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Nearly 200 environmental activists were murdered in 2023

Almost 200 land defenders and climate activists were murdered last year. And environmental activists are increasingly facing tougher suppression and harassment from governments in Western countries. Nearly 200 environmental activists around the world were murdered in 2023, according to a new report by the organization Global Witness. But the real number of murdered activists is most likely much higher. For the second year in a row, Colombia tops the list of countries where most climate

Sustainable Fashion: Examining the Latest Developments

Sustainable fashion has evolved from a niche movement to a mainstream trend, with consumers increasingly prioritizing ethical and eco-friendly practices in their purchasing decisions.  As the fashion industry grapples with the environmental and social impacts of fast fashion, designers, brands, and consumers alike are driving innovation and pushing boundaries to create a more sustainable future. Sustainability is among the strongest forces driving the sector forward. In this article, w

Historic COP28 climate agreement calls on nations to "transition away" from fossil fuels

COP28 was close to falling apart. But after two weeks of deliberations, the nearly 200 countries participating in the COP28 climate summit finally agreed on a climate deal. The deal has been lauded as an historic agreement – but critics say that the deal contains too many loopholes. More than 130 countries, countless of scientists and civil society groups had urged for the agreement to include an explicit commitment to “phase out” fossil fuels. But ultimately, the agreement reached was a co


Simon in The Climate Crisis

COP28 has begun - alongside alarms about record global heating

Today, the annual United Nations climate conference starts. From today and all the way through December 12th, thousands of people – including government leaders and representatives, business officials, scientists, and activists – will gather at COP28 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, to discuss and agree on policies aimed at staving off the growing threats of climate change. COP28 is the 28th annual “Conference of the Parties”. But not all top government officials will attend the conference t


Simon in The Climate Crisis

Sustainability in Space: Things are Moving Forward

In recent years, the idea of "space sustainability" has really taken off in the space industry. It's become a key concept that highlights the importance of finding the right balance between the exciting expansion and advancements in space endeavors, while also making sure we're acting responsibly to safeguard the long-term wellbeing and functionality of Earth's orbital surroundings. This term embodies the imperative to address challenges such as orbital debris, responsible resource utilizat

Extreme heat kills and it will only get hotter: "We’re in serious trouble"

This summer, we’ve seen unprecedented global air temperatures and global ocean surface temperatures. And the heat only seems to get more and more intense – with deadly consequences. In May 2023 we experienced sea surface temperatures globally that were higher than any previous May on record. And it continued with the hottest June on record globally, smashing the previous record of June 2019. And just a few days ago, it was confirmed that July 2023 was the hottest month ever recorded.


Simon in The Climate Crisis

"The most important thing is not if Sweden reduces its emissions - the most important thing is that China does."

If China and the rest of the world’s biggest emitters do nothing, we will fail. But we will also fail if small emitters like Sweden do nothing. Swedish media today reported on a new poll that showed that nine out of ten right-leaning voters in Sweden considered China’s emissions to be more important than Sweden’s own emissions. The question asked was: "Does China affect the climate more than Sweden? Claim: The most important thing is not if Sweden reduces its emissions - the most important


Simon in The Climate Crisis

Wash Less - Help The Environment

A recent article in the BBC set me off thinking about folks making a conscious choice to wash less. And this article is the result. As our awareness of environmental issues continues to grow, finding ways to minimize our impact on the planet becomes increasingly important. One area where we can make a significant difference is in reducing our water consumption, particularly when it comes to household tasks like washing. By adopting simple yet effective strategies to wash less, we can conser

Minimalist Lifestyle: A Sustainable Pathway to Simplicity and Balance

In a world driven by consumerism and materialism, the concept of minimalism has gained significant attention. The minimalist lifestyle promotes a deliberate reduction in material possessions, focusing on simplicity, intentionality, and the pursuit of experiences over material accumulation. Beyond its appeal as a way to declutter our physical spaces, minimalism offers a sustainable pathway towards a more balanced and environmentally conscious existence. In this article, we will explore how adopti

Recycling vs. Reduced Consumption: The Better Option for the Planet

In the face of mounting environmental challenges, individuals and societies are seeking ways to minimize their impact on the planet. Two common approaches often discussed are recycling and reduced consumption. Both have the potential to mitigate environmental harm, but determining which is the better option for the planet requires careful consideration. In this article, we will explore the benefits and limitations of recycling and reduced consumption, as well as their respective impacts on the e

Adopting a Vegan Lifestyle: A Powerful Tool to Combat Climate Change

In recent years, concerns about climate change and its detrimental impact on our planet have prompted many individuals to seek sustainable and environmentally friendly lifestyle choices. One such choice gaining popularity is adopting a vegan lifestyle, which eliminates the consumption of animal products. Furthermore, incorporating juicing into a vegan lifestyle can provide numerous health benefits while reducing one's carbon footprint. This article explores how adopting a vegan lifestyle and inc

Embracing a Green Lifestyle for a Brighter Future

In a world grappling with environmental challenges, adopting a green lifestyle has become more crucial than ever. A green lifestyle involves conscious choices and practices that prioritize sustainability, conservation, and the well-being of our planet. By making small changes in our daily lives, we can collectively create a significant positive impact on the environment and pave the way for a brighter and more sustainable future. In this article, we will explore the benefits and practical steps

Embracing Recyclable Bags: A Step Towards a Sustainable Future

Plastic pollution has become one of the most pressing environmental challenges of our time. One significant contributor to this issue is the rampant use of single-use plastic bags. However, by making a simple switch to recyclable bags, we can actively combat plastic waste and contribute to a more sustainable future. In this article, we will explore the benefits of using recyclable bags instead of plastic and highlight the positive impact this small change can have on our environment. Enviro


juicerblender in Recycling

Why it’s better for the environment to eat less meat

Meat is a common part of many people’s diets, but it also has a significant environmental impact. From greenhouse gas emissions to water use, from deforestation to biodiversity loss, meat production and consumption affect the planet in various ways. Here are some of the reasons why eating less meat can help reduce your environmental footprint and protect the environment. Meat contributes to climate change According to the United Nations, livestock production accounts for 14.5% of

Happy Jolene

Happy Jolene in Green Life

Easy ways to reduce your carbon footprint

Your carbon footprint is the amount of greenhouse gases that you produce as you live your life. The average U.S. per capita carbon footprint is 18.3 tons, while the global average is 6.3 tons. To limit global warming to 2°C or less, we need to reduce our carbon footprint to about 2 tons per person by 2050. Here are some of the easiest ways you can reduce your carbon footprint: Eat low on the food chain by choosing more plant-based foods and less meat and dairy. Livestock is responsibl

Happy Jolene

Happy Jolene in Green Life

How to shop green and sustainable clothes

I came across a forum post that asked if it's possible to shop green and sustainable clothes? And yes, it is! First of all, I’m glad that you are interested in shopping for green and sustainable clothes. Now let’s get to it! Here are some easy ways to shop more sustainably and ethically: Choose natural fabrics that have a low carbon footprint, such as organic cotton, linen, hemp or bamboo. Avoid synthetic fabrics like polyester, nylon or rayon that are derived from plastic and require

Happy Jolene

Happy Jolene in Fashion

Klimataktivister får upprättelse

Idag har det rapporterats om två intressanta nyheter som gäller uppmärksammade klimataktioner som ägde rum i Sverige under den gångna sommaren. En felaktig nyhetshistoria om hur en klimataktion stoppade en ambulans Igår rapporterades det febrilt i media – och i sociala medier – om hur en svårt sjuk patient i en ambulans hade avlidit i bilköerna som hade skapats vid en uppmärksammad klimataktion på E4 i Stockholm. Bland annat rapporterade SVT om hur det i polisens förundersökning f


Simon in Miljö och klimat

Effective Strategies for Marketing Sustainable Fashion

It’s estimated that the global fashion market will be worth more than 2.25 trillion by 2050. With the rise of the popularity of sustainable fashion, green fashion brands will likely lead the industry’s evolution set to happen within the next ten years. Sustainable fashion, however, doesn’t start and end with the production of fashion garments. In fact, brands need to pay just as much attention to their marketing efforts as they do to the raw product selection and manufacturing techniques of

Sustainable Commercial Construction: Recent Trends

Whether you're working on a new construction or renovating an older building, it's much more than just getting the job done as fast as possible and in a budget-friendly manner. Now that green and environmentally friendly building practices have become more common than before, most builders are turning towards innovative methods of construction that offer more durability, safety, affordability, in addition to being earth-friendly. As the IED master in interior design for commercial spaces an

Current climate pledges are "half measures and hollow promises", will result in a "catastrophic" 2.7C temperature rise

Ahead of the COP26 climate conference, the United Nations warned that the current commitments to cut greenhouse gas emissions put the world towards a "catastrophic" 2.7-degree Celsius temperature rise this century. According to the UN's Environment Programme (UNEP), national plans to reduce carbon pollution has so far just amounted to "weak promises, not yet delivered". The UN urged all 193 member states to step up their climate commitments – especially rich nations, which are responsible f


Simon in The Climate Crisis

5 Materials You May Not Realize Are Recyclable

Recycling is an important part of our society. It not only helps to reduce the amount of material that goes into landfills, but it also saves energy and natural resources. Did you know that many people don't realize their recycling bin can hold more than just paper products? Here are 5 materials you may not have known could be recycled. Motor Oil Annually, Americans use an estimated 270 million gallons of motor oil. Many people don't realize that used oil can be turned into other produ

Meghan Belnap

Meghan Belnap in green living

Ways to Travel That Reduce Your Environmental Impact

There are plenty of reasons why humans travel from one place to the other. When you travel, you get exposed to different places of the world and diverse cultures. While it is a nice and fun experience enjoyed by many, it has been realized that some modes of transportation have negative impacts on the climate and the environment at large. Whether you are using a car, train, ship, or plane, your movements will generate toxic gases and wastes that can be harmful to the environment. However, if you

Meghan Belnap

Meghan Belnap in green living

Best Roof Materials for Energy Efficiency

One of the most common requests being heard by real estate agents from across the nation for homes that use energy-efficient materials. Roofing, especially, is a long-term investment and has a large effect on the overall efficiency of your home’s HVAC system. Younger home buyers entering the market tend to be even more environmentally conscious than their predecessors, and they understand the importance of energy efficiency for the sake of the environment as well as your utility bills. Therefore

Meghan Belnap

Meghan Belnap in green living

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