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Shades of an Apple Green Home

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Content for making or keeping your home as energy efficient as possible. #KeepItGreen

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How to Organize a Neighborhood Trash Cleanup for the Planet

Keeping your neighborhood clean can be good for aesthetic purposes. It can also be good for keeping the planet happy and safe for all for generations and generations to come. If you want to do your part in helping the planet, you should think about setting up a trash cleanup project in your community. Set a Great Example If you want your neighbors to follow suit, you should begin by setting a great example. Pick up trash around your neighborhood in the middle of the day when other



How to Make Structural Engineering Cleaner and Greener

When designing buildings and homes, you need to take into consideration their impact to the environment. This means that each project needs to be carefully planned in order to reduce the amount of damage inflicted on the landscape. Here are some of the ways that structural engineering can be cleaner and greener overall. Invest in Design Efforts The size, shape, and position of the structure needs to be taken into account for how it fits within the landscape. This means that hills a



Green Pest Control: How to Take Control of Your Termite Situation

If you’ve noticed that your walls are sounding hollow and have seen wings around your home, you might be dealing with termites. These notorious pests feed off cellulose, commonly found in wood. As a homeowner, you need to deal with these pests as soon as possible, but in a practical manner. These pest control tips will help you take care of termites in as a green of a manner as possible. Use Cardboard You can’t eliminate every termite this way, but you can certainly reduce their po



How a New HVAC System Can Reduce Energy Consumption

A new HVAC system can be a major investment, but this is one upgrade worth considering. Depending on the local climate and age of your current system, a new system could potentially pay for itself in just four or five years. Here is a closer look at just a few of the benefits of modern HVAC systems. They Maintain Consistent Pressure Just because newer units are more powerful doesn’t mean that they draw extra energy. The ducts inside your home are designed to handle a certain amount



How to Recycle Scrap Metal and Reduce Waste

When you are concerned about the environment, you will want to recycle scrap metal to reduce the waste that can damage the earth’s water, soil and air. Not only can you save the environment by reducing metal waste, but also, it is possible to earn cash from certain types of metals. Here is what you need to know about scrapping metal correctly to follow the recycling guidelines. Learn How to Disassemble Recyclable Materials It is important to understand how to take items apart to ge



Recycle Time: Things You Didn’t Know Could (and Should) Be Recycled

Once upon a time in America, products were produced and discarded thoughtlessly. But slowly and gradually, people became aware of the metro tons of waste that these items were adding to the planet. Recycling uses a variety of processes to break down the materials in these products, so they can be used again, thereby using fewer of the planet’s resources and using less land for waste storage. Here are some items you probably didn’t know could be recycled for another use. Metal Items



How to Recycle and Reuse Tree Trimmings in Your Yard

Recycling your yard waste is good for the environment. You don’t want to send things to the landfill that still have value. Here are some ways that you can recycle and reuse your tree trimmings. Think about Composting Solutions A compost pile is a great way to create your own fertilizer. Yard waste, grass clipping, and food waste from the kitchen are perfect for the compost pile. There’s no need for you to spend money on fertilizers for your flower beds when you can make your own.



How to Save Money on Electricity by Utilizing Natural Light at Home

Electricity expenses can add up swiftly. That’s why the wisest people are the ones who go above and beyond to minimize their monthly electricity bills. If you want to be in that illustrious category, you should rely on natural light in your residential space as much as possible. Doing so can be terrific for your bank account. Get a Skylight Skylights can welcome significant amounts of natural lighting into homes. If you want to live in a home that’s full of gorgeous natural lightin



How to Wire Your Entire Home for Maximum Energy Efficiency

Making your home more energy efficient should start with you examining your usage level. Once you’ve identified the areas that need improvement, you can start the process. Here are some ways that you can wire your home for maximum energy efficiency. Invest in Heating and Cooling Solutions Almost half of your home’s total energy consumption is a result of heating and cooling. Look at ways that you can reduce your total usage. The first place to start may be upgrading your older mode



How to Recycle Building Materials and Reduce Waste

Construction can be a wasteful industry. There are so many different types of materials leftover on a job site. Here are some ways that you can recycle building materials to reduce the amount that is wasted. Sell Your Leftovers as Salvage What may seem like waste to you, can be useful for someone else. Consider setting those leftover pieces of lumber and other debris aside. There may be a salvage yard in your area that would want these items. Call around to see if you can get some



Solar Energy Solutions: 4 Unique Devices that Use the Sun

There’s no arguing that solar energy essentially is the future. Solar energy is becoming markedly more common among people everywhere. There are a number of distinctive solar energy devices that are quickly gaining traction lately, too. If you’re all about depending on the extraordinary power of the sun, you need to know about them. Solar Lanterns Solar devices are wonderful for many reasons. Solar lanterns aren’t an exception. These lanterns can come in handy for outdoorsy people



4 Green Fuel Sources Used to Produce Electricity

When you care about the environment, you will want to find renewable or eco-friendly sources of electricity. In order to save the earth’s fossil fuels, scientists are working hard to find renewable ways to have electricity. Not only are these newer sources of power renewable, but also, these methods create less pollution, helping to protect the earth’s water, soil and groundwater. Here are four types of environmentally friendly sources of electrical power. Geothermal Sources To hav



How to Make Your Home More Energy Efficient and Green

Even if you aren’t ready to spend a significant amount of money on renovations, there might be a handful of smaller upgrades that will make your home much more efficient. Carrying out a few of these projects could end up saving you hundreds of dollars a month on your electric, water, and gas bills. Here is a quick look at four steps that you can take to improve your home’s efficiency and reduce your carbon footprint. Install Low-Flow Fixtures In the average American home, showers a



How to Make Your Home More Energy Efficient Year-Round

To prevent your energy bills from getting too out of control, it’s important to make your home more energy efficient. Below, we’ll be going over a few ways you can go “green” and start knocking down your energy bills year-round. Purchase Energy Star Products Buying Energy Star products can help you save a lot of money in the long run. These include stoves, AC units, refrigerators, and washers that are approved by the EPA. This is because Energy Star products require nearly 50 perce



Top Environmentally-Friendly Pest Control Services for Your Green Home

As people become more aware of how important it is to protect the environment, many homeowners have become increasingly concerned with finding pest control methods that are eco-friendly. Along with protecting the environment, these methods are also much safer around pets, children, and wildlife, making them popular with more and more people. If you’re ready to go green with your pest control, here are some ways to do so that will be most beneficial to everyone. Microbial Insecticides



How to Successfully Stabilize Your Foundation When Building a House

Building a house? If so, we’d like to congratulate you on taking the initiative to create a home for yourself. Now, you need to remember how important proper construction is. A poorly-made house isn’t going to be much of a house or for very long. You need to start from the bottom up. Here are four ways to successfully stabilize your foundation when building a house. Ensure You’re Building in the Right Spot Even if it looks like an area would be ideal for a house based on how much s



Green Electricity: 4 Clean Power Sources Worth Utilizing

Going green isn’t just a trend. It is a strategy for moving towards more sustainable ways of living that could help preserve the earth for future generations. To combat things like climate change and deforestation, cleaner and more efficient power sources must be relied on. Below are some clean power sources worth utilizing. Solar The greatest power source in the galaxy is one that often goes under-utilized on Earth. That of course refers to the rays of the sun. Thankfully, install



How to Make Your Next Construction Project Lean and Green

The construction industry is recovering after the reduction in sales of houses a few years ago. Construction companies are striving to build structures that are environmentally friendly as well as affordable. Like many other industries the construction sector is under the watchful eye of their communities to go green in an effort to protect and preserve the environment. Planning Stage When a construction company and the clients that they are working with decide to do a project, goi



4 Homemade Green Cleaning Methods without Harsh Chemicals

You want your home to be safe and clean, but you also probably don’t want anyone in your home to be exposed to harsh and toxic substances. Unfortunately, many chemicals in cleaners are not safe. But the good news is that you can just as easily clean your home with simple, homemade green cleaning methods. Sink Scouring What could be less expensive or fresher than using a tried-and-true method to clean your sinks, showers, and tubs? The key ingredient is baking soda, and you can simply s



Why Recycle? 4 Practices that Can Transform Our Planet

In today’s world, concern about the environment is at an all-time high. This is especially true regarding recycling, since communities across America have implemented recycling programs to reduce the garbage going into landfills. As people learn about recycling, it’s becoming very popular. If you’re interested in transforming the planet, here are four practices that can be implemented into your daily life. Recycle Your Aluminum Cans According to Waste Management Corporation, Americ



4 Easy Ways You Can Protect the Earth by Saving Water

If you're concerned about the state of our environment, there are many easy ways that you can become part of the solution, instead of being part of the problem. One simple area that the environmentally-conscious can focus on is water conservation. The average person in the U.S. uses between 80-100 gallons of water per day, so every drop you save can make a world of difference. To get you started, here are 4 easy ways to conserve water: Turn Off The Water While Brushing Your Teeth



How Office Buildings Can Keep Their Inside Air Clean and Fresh

It doesn’t matter how shiny and beautiful your building is inside and out, strong, powerful odors can get trapped inside. It is not only essential that a building look clean, it should also smell clean. There are a number of steps that can be taken to ensure that clean and fresh air is flowing through at all times. Locate the Source of the Odors Far too often people tend to grab cans of deodorizers, candles, incense, and other products to fight bad air odors. The first thing to do is f



4 Simple Ways the Machining Industry Can Be More Eco-Conscious

Companies “going green” is a constantly growing trend that is intended to not only help out the environment but to help employment growth as well. Fortunately, the machining industry has the lead when it comes down to “green” jobs. With the inspiring popularity of machining companies to go eco-friendly, the more jobs appear across the nation. Create “Green” Facilities One of the easiest ways the machining industry can be more eco-conscious is to adopt “green” practices in their fac



Eco-Electricity: How Everyday People Can Save Power and Reduce Their Bill

Reducing electricity usage is not only good for the environment, but it is also good for your wallet. You can cut down on power use at home without going through any major lifestyle changes. Believe it or not, it is still possible to enjoy the comforts of a dishwasher and good lighting while paying less for utilities. Try these four tips for saving power and lowering monthly bills. Upgrade to Efficient Light Bulbs If you still use incandescent light bulbs, make the switch to LED li



How Environmental Surveys Can Help Protect and Preserve the Earth

Every environment needs regular inspection in order to detect a problem as early as possible. Environmental surveys facilitate the process of detecting problems so that experts can come up with a thorough treatment plan. Consider these four ways in which environmental surveys are designed to protect and preserve the Earth and its abundance of natural resources. Evaluate Leaks Environmental surveys help to evaluate, locate and identify the size and scope of leaks. Oil and natural ga



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