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How Environmental Surveys Can Help Protect and Preserve the Earth


Every environment needs regular inspection in order to detect a problem as early as possible. Environmental surveys facilitate the process of detecting problems so that experts can come up with a thorough treatment plan. Consider these four ways in which environmental surveys are designed to protect and preserve the Earth and its abundance of natural resources.

Evaluate Leaks

Environmental surveys help to evaluate, locate and identify the size and scope of leaks. Oil and natural gas pipelines may leak, and the leaks can go undetected if they are in remote areas. A prompt identification of the leak's location and assessment of what is leaking helps the operators of the pipeline to take action and fix the problem.

Use an Air Boat for Environmental Surveys

Some environments are more challenging than others to survey. When you need to check out a marshy area, an air boat is an ideal means of transportation. Some companies, like Specialized Enviro, know that air boats don’t cause as much disruption to wildlife or native plants. It affords you the opportunity to get views of the water and of the things that are living and growing in the marsh. The boat has plenty of space for your cameras and surveying equipment.

Check for Illegal Dumping

Illegal dumping is a major environmental concern. Wildlife can get stuck in plastic items or poisoned by dumped fluids. The individuals who do the dumping could be prosecuted under environmental laws. With an environmental survey, environmentalists and property owners can spot illegal dumping of tires, barrels of waste and other materials. Checking for illegal dumping should be performed on a regular basis through air and ground-level surveys.

Collecting Samples for Testing

During an environmental survey, the surveyors can collect samples and specimens for testing. The samples can provide valuable information about the health of the air, water, and soil in a location. Specimen analysis might include swabbing animals for their DNA, collecting their droppings, or trapping some insects. The laboratory results may show if there are high levels of harmful substances such as arsenic or lead, which could be a result of illegal dumping, runoff or other activities.

Environmental surveys combine the use of high-tech laboratory analysis, innovative transportation methods and a great deal of knowledge and expertise from trained professionals. The information from the surveys can be used to identify problems so that scientists can come up with ways to prevent recurrences. Environmental surveys are also helpful for the monitoring of environments and assessment of their changes over time.



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