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Green Songs


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I am trying to create a playlist containing songs with some sort of "green" message. Care to help?

These are the ones I've added to the list so far:

  • Houaida - I Love The Mountains [Spotify]
  • Melissa Etheridge - I Need To Wake Up [Spotify]
  • Jack Johnson - The 3 R's [Spotify]
  • Louis Armstrong - What A Wonderful World [Spotify]
  • Michael Jackson - Earth Song [Spotify]
  • Chords, Jason Diakité and Jens Resch - Appetite For Consumption feat. Timbuktu [Spotify]
  • Joni Mitchell - Big Yellow Taxi [Spotify]

Do you know any others?

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Much of folk singer John Denver's inspiring, feel-good music focused on the breathtaking majesty and pristine beauty of the Great American Smoky Mountains of Colorado.

Rocky Mountain High, The Eagle and the Hawk, Country Roads ...

But for me -- "Calypso" is so extra-special ... "To live on the earth, we must learn from the sea..."


God rest your souls, John Denver and Jacques Cousteau.

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