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International Environmental Issues and Green Business

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Pure Energy: Why Using Solar Panels Helps Care for the Earth

Businesses and homeowners are turning to solar energy to power their lives more than any other time in US history. Factors behind this include the falling cost of solar panels and rebates and incentives offered by the government and utility companies. However, saving money is just one factor that has encouraged people to choose solar power. Other factors include a desire to improve their health and protect the environment by reducing the use of fossil fuels. How Do Solar Panels Work?



Electronics Recycling: How Going Green Blesses the Planet

Many people are going green. Going green can help you save a lot of money. It can also benefit the environment. There are several benefits that you can reap from going green. Save Energy One of the things that you can do to live a greener life is to use energy-star appliances. Energy-star appliances are designed to help you reduce the amount of electricity that you use. Not only will this help you save money on your energy bill, but it will also benefit the planet. Fossil fuels are



New Age Transportation: 4 Green Vehicles for Millennials

As the next generation gets older, we realize that it’s our responsibility to make good decisions for the planet we take advantage of every day. One of the ways to do this is how we choose to get around every day. Here are 4 green vehicles for millennials. Public Transportation If you live in a large metropolitan area, you should look into public transportation to get to work. You will not have to contribute to pollution by using your own car, and it can be cheaper, too. It doesn’t



How to Prep Your Home to Be Green This Spring

As winter finally ends and spring gets under way, you're likely to take advantage of the rising temperatures to get your house back in order for another year. From cleaning the house to standard repairs, spring is always a busy time. And if you're environmentally-conscious, then you'll want to follow these tips to make your house greener than ever. Keep Your Stuff out of Landfills Most of us have a tendency to acquire more junk than we need. And after a winter of watching our junk coll



Why Recycling is So Important in These Modern Times

Not recycling will eventually cease to be an option. The environment can’t continue to support a society that focuses on single use items and disposing of them in the landfill. Here are some of the reasons that you should recycle as much as possible. Pollution Reduction Rubbish that’s sitting in a landfill emits greenhouse gases and other harmful chemicals that are impacting the rate of climate change. This means that the more rubbish there is, the more damage is being done to the



How Construction Companies Can Help the Environment

Construction can have a large impact on the environment. The use of heavy machinery and invasion of wildlife habitat are just a few of the more common problems when it comes to the construction industry. Here are some of the ways that construction companies can work to reduce their impact on the environment. Use Sustainable Products Sustainable building products work to reduce the amount of natural resources that are being used up. For example, you can reduce the impact on the envi



Energy Conscious: How to Slow the Flow by Cutting Corners

Energy consumption without a doubt is a hot topic in this day and age. It’s been a big topic for quite some time now, too, and with good reason. People are becoming more and more thoughtful with regard to their approaches to energy use. If you want to minimize your consumption of energy in a big way, there are all sorts of intelligent things that you can try right now. Unplug, Unplug, Unplug Unplugging may seem like a simple thing. It can actually be a game-changing strategy for pe



More Power to You! 4 Tips to Make Solar Power Work for You

Installing solar panels is going to lower your energy bills and reduce your carbon footprint, but this renovation can be a major investment. That is why you should spend some time researching all of your options before you sign any paperwork or begin the installation process. Look at Incentives Many homeowners don’t realize that this upgrade could have a huge impact on their taxes. With the federal solar tax credit, you can deduct 30 percent of the installation costs from your fede



How to Discard Scrap Metal Properly

When it comes to ridding out your home or business of unwanted items, it can be a daunting task. This holds especially true when you have items that aren’t qualified to be picked up by your regular garbage collector. Scrap metal tends to be one of these items. In today’s article, we’re going to walk you through the most effective way to discard of your unwanted scrap metal. Collect All Your Metal into One Location Part of staying organized during the whole cleaning process is maki



3 Chemical-free Tips to Keep the Bugs off Your Babies This Summer

Ah, summer. The sky is blue and bright, the days are longer, the grass is higher, and everyone wants to spend all their time outside. With this kind of summer fever in the air, it’s hard to keep your kiddos from getting covered in bug bites of every kind, and even more so if you’re worried about the chemicals they might be running into. If you want to keep your babies bug and chemical free, these tips are for you. Smell Ya Later Don’t like strong smells? Neither do mosquitos. Fortu



3 Chemical-free Tips to Keep the Bugs off Your Babies This Summer

Ah, summer. The sky is blue and bright, the days are longer, the grass is higher, and everyone wants to spend all their time outside. With this kind of summer fever in the air, it’s hard to keep your kiddos from getting covered in bug bites of every kind, and even more so if you’re worried about the chemicals they might be running into. If you want to keep your babies bug and chemical free, these tips are for you. Smell Ya Later Don’t like strong smells? Neither do mosquitos. Fortunate



Green Practices: How to Set the Example for Neglectful American Companies

There are so many businesses around the United States and planet that, simply put, do not take green and eco-friendly approaches to going about things. If that fact upsets you, then you can go ahead and take action. You can do so by being a positive role model to all of these wasteful and unmindful businesses. Remember, your aim should be to get others to do the right thing. Conserve Energy Any Time You Can Energy conservation can do a lot for people who care about green approaches



4 Pieces of Equipment You Need to Create a Reclaimed Office Space

When making a reclaimed office space, keep in mind that you’ll be using recycled materials, or leftover materials from various places. You can get these type of materials for cheaper that new ones in some cases. Reclaimed office spaces are basically recycled, refurbished spaces that use all used materials so there is less waste. In this way, reclaimed spaces keep the environment safe. Here are some of the essential items that will come in handy when you’re creating a reclaimed office space.



How to Make Greener Living Work for Your Wallet

We all know the pressures of living green that have been thrown on our society for the last couple of decades. While we know it’s great for us, it’s not always great for our wallet. Things like installing solar panels are very costly to do. However, there are many green living practices you can do that can help pad your wallet instead of empty it. Get Rid of Old Scrap Metal There are scrap metal buyers literally everywhere across the country. Many will come to your doorstep and loa



Saving Our Oceans: How Some Companies Use Trash as a Business Model

The amount of plastic that’s being discarded on a daily basis is staggering. Much of this plastic is ending up in the oceans and presents a crisis to these sensitive ecosystems. Here are some of the ways that companies are working to reduce the amount of plastics that are entering the environment. Tackle Recycling Initiatives Many of the single use plastic containers can be eliminated simply by investing in recycling efforts. Some cities are moving to ban the use of plastic bags in



What’s Recyclable and What Isn’t? 4 Ways to Discern between the Two

Recycling is one of the best ways to reduce your carbon footprint, but figuring out which materials are recyclable can be confusing. Luckily, this process is going to be incredibly easy once you get the hang of it. Here is a closer look at a few tips that will help you determine which items and materials are recyclable. Organic Waste Many people are surprised to hear that most organic waste can be recycled. If you run a business that produces organic waste, then you should contact



4 Practical Options for Reusing Old Electrical Equipment

Old electrical equipment can still have several different uses for you. The raw materials contained within the equipment may prove to be valuable in some form or another. Here are some options that are available for reusing your old electrical equipment. Donation Options Electronics are always in demand when it comes to donation centers and other types of charity organizations. This is because they can still be used for their intended purposes for the most part. The charity may als



How Heat Pumps Save Money by Conserving Energy

A heat pump works well if you live in a moderate climate. This is because it’s more efficient than other forms of heating and cooling. Here are some of the benefits that a heat pump can offer when it comes to saving money by conserving energy. Temperature Stability Setting your heat pump for a consistent temperature is the most efficient use of this type of system. This is because of the fact that it can run for a minimal amount of time and maintain the temperature of your home. Wi



How an Energy Efficient HVAC System Can Help the Environment

When you want to cut your heating and cooling bills, selecting high-efficiency HVAC equipment makes a big difference. The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) sets efficiency standards for HVAC systems because they’re the most energy-hungry of all home appliances. Better efficiency translates to lower demand for electricity and fuel and reduced energy bills for you. HVAC Efficiency Ratings When choosing central HVAC systems, look for high ratings. The DOE requires efficiency ratings on



Reduce Reuse Recycle: 4 Common Items That Can Be Used Again

The items you throw away every day don’t have to serve just one purpose before they’re considered trash. Many of your common household items can be used again for a variety of purposes. Below, you will find four common items that you throw away that can be reused instead. Food Jars Your food product waste can enjoy many lives once it’s served its original purpose of storing and preserving your food in the grocery store. Glass jars and plastic jars can be used for a variety of house



4 Ways A Green Office Leads To Green Profits

4 Ways A Green Office Leads To Green Profits By now, the idea of going green in the business world is probably thought of as an overused cliché. However, you don’t have to live in Southern California and drive a Prius to reap the benefits of green business practices. In actuality, many of these business strategies save money in addition to lowering your company’s impact on the environment. Below are four examples you should seriously consider adopting.  Go Paperless One definite way t



Alternative Energy: How Green Electricity Can Protect the Earth

There are benefits when it comes to the use of alternative forms of energy. Many of these benefits aren’t just limited to the increased availability of energy and the public health implications. Here are some of the ways that green electricity can work to protect the Earth. Reduction in Emissions The amount of gases that are emitted with traditional forms of electricity are contributing to climate change. Alternative forms of energy don’t release harmful gases into the atmosphere w



Alternative Energy: How Green Electricity Can Protect the Earth

There are benefits when it comes to the use of alternative forms of energy. Many of these benefits aren’t just limited to the increased availability of energy and the public health implications. Here are some of the ways that green electricity can work to protect the Earth. Reduction in Emissions The amount of gases that are emitted with traditional forms of electricity are contributing to climate change. Alternative forms of energy don’t release harmful gases into the atmosphere w



How Civil Engineers Make Wastewater Management Green

Civil engineers design many structures that help to improve your life. Taking on the task of improving wastewater management in order to make it more green is a newer concept. Here are some of the ways that civil engineers are tackling the wastewater management revolution. Run-off Alternatives You may have noticed that there are more ways that water run-off is being handled. In some areas, a greener approach is being taken by using landscaping alternatives to handling water run-off



Why Recycling Metal is So Important for a Healthy Earth

Life can be extremely busy. That’s why it’s not unusual for people to never think twice about the undeniable value of metal recycling. If you want to make the world a better place, then you should learn the ins and outs of metal recycling. You should learn about all of the things that make it so essential. Recycling Metal Can Conserve Natural Resources Natural resource conservation is a big deal. If you want to conserve major resources, then recycling metal can help you achieve you



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