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Solar Energy in Uruguay

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Discussion of potential, challenge and future of solar energy in Uruguay.

Entries in this blog

Spirea GmbH completed an ecological solar PV system for agro-industrial company Farolur SA, Uruguay

Montevideo, Uruguay, December 12, 2015 German cleantech company Spirea GmbH, together with its local partner ERGO SRL have announced the completion of a pilot solar photovoltaic system of 5kWp for company Farolur S.A. in Laguna del Sauce, Maldonado, Uruguay. The project consists of the installation of 20 photovoltaic panels in the dairy farm and production complex of Farolur, located in the department of Maldonado (Ruta 12 Km 10, paraje Los Ceibos). The panels are connected to the netw

Spirea Advisors

Spirea Advisors

The Future Is Bright: The Potential for Decentralized Solar Power in Uruguay

Montevideo, Uruguay, December 12, 2015 The Climate talks in Paris are marking a turning point for human history and solar energy plays an important role in it. The history is not repeating itself: in contrast to the climate talks in Copenhagen 2009 which ended as a huge failure, the 2015 negotiations in Paris will remain in history as a success and a starting point into a new era. This first time mankind, the world takes a united stance in actively managing greenhouse gas emissions. The fir

Spirea Advisors

Spirea Advisors

Spirea GmbH installed a pilot PV system for the Faculty of Engineering at the University of the Republic in Uruguay

MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay, 10th December 2015 German company Spirea GmbH, together with its local partner ERGO SRL have announced the installation and connection of a pilot solar photovoltaic system of 2kWp for the Faculty of Engineering (FING) at the University of the Republic in Montevideo, Uruguay.   The project consists of the installation of 8 photovoltaic panels with micro inverters at rooftop of the Institute of Electrical Engineering, located in Parque Rodó. The system is conne

Spirea Advisors

Spirea Advisors

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