Excellent points however,
The problem many see is the claim that 100% of the cllimate change is man-made
There are discussions about climate change, reducing emissions and many projects aimed at alternate energy and many power plants are working on "green energy" so it is not as bad as many want to make it sound. And much of the issue with Gore was not so much entirely the movie but content of speeches he made promoting the movie and book.
This is a world wide problem, the USA has no lock on this problem!
Not really true, what we have is university scientists with conflicting view points that clearly do not agree that this is 100% the fault of man.
There in is one of the key points, presentation
It failed because it was too alarmist and "the sky is falling". IE, to much of a turn off instead of a turn on to a problem and a solution.
Once again not entirely true. In order to make a sacrifice, people have to have a clear picture of the problem and the solution. Gore failed on in that regard when he got too extreme in the message. Wind farms are current making an inroad in the USA because people do realize that green energy is the future.
But people tend to shy away from people that are 100% left or right from a political perspective. When Gore pictured him self as 100% to the left he became a political hazard in the election process. And sadly made climate change a touchy topic in the process.