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Sports the best way to have a healthy life!!!

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As you all might know, sports help have a long and healthy life! we should all play Football,basket, etc etc cause these sports mostly are even better of a gum!!! So, get of the pc's and have some fun playing sports...

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As you all might know, sports help have a long and healthy life! we should all play Football,basket, etc etc cause these sports mostly are even better of a gum!!! So, get of the pc's and have some fun playing sports...

Agree completely, i practise sports since i was 5 years old and i never had nothing serious with my health


I play a lot basketball!!! the best sport ever (for me). I practise since I was 6 years old, but i quited it last year. problems on the team you see icon_sad.gif anyway, I continue playing with my friends in a court near my house every day:)


I play basketball as well,I'm in a team for six years...But I'm out this year,due to my studying...Sports are really important for your health etc...


Sports is the best way to have a long and healthy life!!!

I read an article in a local newspaper and it was saying about the winter swimming. Winter swimming is a proved healthy life helper.A 96 years old man swims over 40 years, 78 years woman swims for 2 decates already, etc etc and they look like a 60 year old man-woman!!! Not for a heartattacked though. I try to go some times on winter but it's really difficult!!!


You don't say..I went last winter at the sea,and when I got out(one minute after I had dived) I was a brilliant purple... crazy.gif


I swim since i was 5, but i quited last year because 4 years ago i started pratice karate and i hadn't too much time for studing.


I swim since i was 5, but i quited last year because 4 years ago i started pratice karate and i hadn't too much time for studing.

icon_surprised.gif Keep away from onlygreennogray!!! Kicks ashes icon_razz.gif karate kid icon_razz.gif (Just kidding)

I used to practise karate when I was 10 years old!!! But i quited when I started basket.


I haven't been much of a sport guy... It's something with the attitude with all that I don't like.

But I do run some miles every week, when I have the time...


I haven't been much of a sport guy... It's something with the attitude with all that I don't like.

But I do run some miles every week, when I have the time...

Running or jogging? anyway, both are really good for your fitness!


onlygreennogray,I really can't see why you liked karate more than swimming,but all the same,it's a good way to exercise...Not like swimming,but anyway,if it pleases you...


Running or jogging? anyway, both are really good for your fitness!

Ohh I meant jogging..

Why icon_redface.gif ??It's a nice way to exercise,not as intense and effective as running,but it's good...So you don't like sports very much?I think I couldn't live without them!


onlygreennogray,I really can't see why you liked karate more than swimming,but all the same,it's a good way to exercise...Not like swimming,but anyway,if it pleases you...

I like swimming, when i get in the water i feel like a fish and i still swim when i get some free time. I chose karate because i found that with karate i can work almost all my muscles and besides i'm more flexible than i was when i started


I like swimming, when i get in the water i feel like a fish icon_rolleyes.gif and i still swim when i get some free time. I chose karate because i found that with karate i can work almost all my muscles and besides i'm more flexible than i was when i started

What? swimming uses the muscles more than any other sport!!! you should know that!!!


Why icon_redface.gif ??It's a nice way to exercise,not as intense and effective as running,but it's good...So you don't like sports very much?I think I couldn't live without them!

Agree to that. I couldn't live without sports too. But simon may not be good at sports but in internet he's the best thumbup.gif


I'm sure he is,Daim!

Yeah,swimming is the best way to work all your muscles!Anyway,your decision,if you don't miss it it's OK.


But simon may not be good at sports but in internet he's the best

Ohh I used to swim when I was younger. But my skin got all dry and frakked up because of all the chlorine in the water.


Yeah,I had problems due to chlorine as well,that's why I dislike swimming pools...The sea is a much more aggreable option...But in a few years it won't,with all this pollution... icon_cry.gif


Yeah,chlorine is really bad... I almost never dive in a swimming pool! In greece fortunately we have LOTS of beaches, so going in a swimming pool is foolish cute.gif


Well,it's not foolish during winter,or when you do it as a sport...But all the same,we are a very lucky country,lots of inslands+big coastline=thousands of beautiful beaches!! cute.gif


All countries have their baeuties. We have the islands and the biggest coastline..

I don't know about the other countries but their are really great i think!!!


In Sweden it's mostly too cold to swim in the ocean in other months than june-august, so you can'y really swim elsewhere than inside.

Ohh Sweden got forest and the archipelago.. Ahh you gotta love the archipelago!


Here we have beautiful beaches and a beautiful countryside


So sports depend mostly on the climate of each country...We couldn't have ice skating here,for instance,though many people like it

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