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Basement Waterproofing: Tips on Getting Estimates

One of the first steps you need to take when you are looking for a basement waterproofing contractor for a project is getting estimates. I say estimates, because you should always compare quotes from multiple contractors before deciding to hire one that suits you best. Here are a few tips you can use when you are gathering estimates from top contractors near you.

Never Accept a Phone Estimate

You can get a quick estimate over the phone or online from most contractors these days. The quick estimate is a good way to find out how much the project will most likely cost, but it is in no way accurate. Each basement is different and has different problems to solve which means only a thorough inspection can really tell the contractors what needs to be done.


Invite the contractors to do an assessment at different times. Let them check your basement and come up with a more detailed and accurate estimate. Once you have gathered these detailed estimates, you should be able to compare them directly and choose the right contractor to hire.

Questions Your Contractor Will Ask

While doing the thorough assessment on your basement, the contractor will ask a lot of questions. They need to know several things before they can provide you with a clear estimate, including:

· The age of your property

· Whether you have been living in the property since it was built

· Whether the problems are recurring

· Whether you have done repairs on the basement before

· The kind of problems you are facing

Each question will help the contractor get a much better view of what they are dealing with. Combined with the on-site inspection results, the contractor will be able to provide you with a set of solutions to your basement problems.

It Doesnt Take That Long

The best thing about getting your basement assessed and the cost of repairing it estimated is that the whole process takes no more than an hour or two. An experienced waterproofing specialist can even spot problems you cannot spot before, allowing future issues to be prevented with a quick repair.

The quick assessment time also means you dont have to spend a lot of time in order to get estimates from multiple basement repair contractors. Even better, top companies across the country will not come to your house for an assessment on weekends, so scheduling for an inspection should not be difficult at all.

Payment and Cost

Keep in mind that most contractors will do the inspection for free. Others charge you a small fee, but provide you with a more thorough report that you can use for other purposes.

Once you are happy with the estimate, you can move forward with the project. You may be required to pay a small deposit in order to start the project. Avoid contractors that ask for all the payment upfront.

Using the tips we just discussed in this article, getting started with your own basement repair project is now easier than ever. Find a good contractor and get your basement fixed right away.



Recommended Comments

Thanks for the tips! My sister and her family recently needed their basement repaired for water damage after it was flooded. I don't want that to happen to me, so it seems like a good idea to have it waterproofed in case my basement ever floods. I'm glad that you pointed out to avoid getting phone estimates over the phone. I can see how getting an inspection of my basement can give me a more accurate estimate of the work that needs to be done.


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These are great tips, and that basement looks incredible.  I have been looking into getting our basement waterproofed, because we don't want any leaks.  We had some friends that had a leak, and it was really tragic.  A simple step can help prevent so much destruction.  Hopefully we can get our basement waterproofed soon.

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I'm actually looking into hiring a waterproofing contractor for my basement in the next few weeks, so I really appreciate the tips!  It makes sense that you should never accept an estimate that's just given over the phone. I'll have to be sure to get someone to physically come to my home to give me a proper estimate.  Since you say that it shouldn't take more than an hour or two, it shouldn't be hard to clear part of my schedule to make it work.

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I have been needing to get an estimate myself to see how much it will cost me to get my basement waterproofed. My basement is rather large and I am wanting to make sure that everything will be well protected. Do not want to have any kind of issues with flooding or having water in my walls. The sooner I get this done, the better. I want everything ready for the up coming months. Never know how weather is going to be.

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My basement got flooded two years ago, and I still remember all the pain and hustle. All my electronics and important documents got wet and it took days to dry the papers; I had to throw the laptop away. I'm moving into a new apartment soon and it's in an area where floods can happen. Thanks for giving me a general idea about basement waterproofing. 

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My husband and I have been wanting to build a new home for a while now and we have heard about different experiences with leaky basements. I don't think that that would be a pleasant thing to deal with it and it is definitely better to deal with it right off the bat. We will have to look into basement waterproofing when we cross that bridge. Thank you for sharing these tips and insights. 

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Thanks for the tips. I am hoping to get my basement fully waterproofed soon, but am unsure of the process. I didn't realize the importance of not going simply by a phone estimate. I will keep that in mind as I begin my search.

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My wife and I are trying to waterproof our basement right now, but we just wanted to read and make sure that we are smart about the way we approach this.  I liked the advice to never accept a phone estimation, but have an inspection first to get a more accurate idea of how much it will cost.  Thanks for sharing this, and we will make sure to do that before we make any obligations to a potential contractor. 

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It's good to know that getting your basement assessed and a cost estimated doesn't take very long. We had a leak in a corner window of our basement during a big rainstorm the other week. We got the carpets dried and everything, but I really want to make sure the leak doesn't become a bigger problem, and want to get it fixed as soon as possible. 

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Jainnie, thanks for pointing out some of the questions a waterproofing contractor will ask. I imagine it is better to be prepared with all of the proper information before you meet with potential hires.  You also make a good point, that having your basement assessed doesn't take very long. I would think it is important to have it inspected, especially since a professional will be able to spot a lot more problems than we are able.

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It's helpful to know that you shouldn't just get a phone estimation. As you say, it's not very accurate, which makes sense. Plus, when you have the contractor come to your home, then you can meet them in person and see if you'll be able to work with them or not. And, I would think that this would help you gauge their reliability, too. Thank you for the great advice. http://www.drainageanderosion.com/services-2/waterproofing-basements

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I always imagine the situation where it comes to waterproofing our basement where there can be our important electronic and storage equipments are kept for any household usage. Flood always pours the basement from water and leftover the ruins and debris along with stench of washed in garbage and dirt.  It might results in diseases and bad odor, causing damages to various things. Whenever there is a situation occurs like this I always call for basement water removal service in Long Island New York that has expertise to help us out in right direction. 

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