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Green Blog
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About this blog

In our business and economical fast-paced age, many of us have forgotten about the importance of preserving our Earth green and pristine as far as possible. 

But however might we try, we can't win this war without support of industrial giants. The only thing we can is to draw their attention towards global issues and detect their sins towards nature. My blog is devoted towards enterprises, firms and companies that could be an example of how successful business can thrive without damage for our world.

Entries in this blog


Over the past years, the world technological innovation has been on the increase with the recent trend of the introduction of smartphones. This is a great influence on customers buying habits today. Technology can be greatly described as the best world changing agent that have drastically changed the way people operate and associate with each other. Its contribution in the transport, Purchase, communication and social life cannot be emphasized. As a matter of fact, technological innovation



Why it’s IT industry which should set a tendency towards “green culture” and focus on environment improvement

At first, it may seem that information technology and green movement can’t have common ground. But in recent years, the IT industry get leading positions in every aspect of human life. The appearance of “smart city” movement has changed the accepted notion of urban life and prove that the intersection of a digital solution and environmental needs gave birth to the phenomena of Smart City. It’s turned out to be the perfect way of enhancing the quality of urban life and services. The active implem



Why Car Renting Business Should Support Green Motion

In as much as change is natural and normal when negative effects start arising which counter the gains already made, this is a bad thing. Regrettably, those who end up suffering are not simply those who are causing the problems. This is why using electric cars in the car renting business is quite welcome and beneficial. With ecologists claiming that there are numerous destructive alterations which happen to the Earth due to gas emissions and such similar things, it is beneficial when busin



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