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Green Blog

De-Clutter Your Home, LIfe and Mind

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About this blog

In this blog I would like to inspire people to de-clutter their homes, lives and minds for a better health and quality of life.

Entries in this blog

How to Keep Pests at Bay Naturally

There has always been a debate about bugs – most people fear and hate them, others don't. To be honest I have to agree with the old saying that goes “the only good bug is the dead bug”, but either way these creatures are unique in the ways they organize themselves, how they adapt and the survival mechanisms they employ. Not to mention that they are extremely functional and most times I wish I was so useful to nature! Do you know that you don't always need chemicals in the war against insec



Cleaning With Vinegar Do's and Don'ts

With all the research, nowadays, revealing that the air in our homes is about 200% more polluted than the air outside, people increasingly turned to more natural cleaning agents such as vinegar and baking soda. And it is a fact that many of the commercial cleaners nowadays are not only more expensive and cause pollution, but are actually damaging, and could even trigger asthma if someone is genetically predisposed.There are many benefits from cleaning with natural products only. Vinegar is so po



Smart Water Saving Tips

Water is one of out the most precious resources we have and it is a crying shame that we pollute and waste it in the manner in which we do. Just because water is now available to us within a press of a tap, though, doesn't really mean we should let it go to waste. I know that sometimes saving water is hard work and I get lazy too, that's why I put those tips together and I hope I can change some of my habits and maybe inspire you to do the same. #1 We all know this one - Turn the taps off whe



This Professor is Living in a Dumpster & So Should You

Texas professor Dr. Jeff Wilson moved in a dumpster to make a bold statement and to inspire a nation to consider micro-living. The environmental studies professor wanted to show his students and the world that you can be happy and healthy in a very small space. Dr. Wilson took this extreme step to live in a dumpster for a year, because he wanted to raise awareness of the growing population (past 7 billion people) and the limited resources we have. The "mad" professor wanted to get his students



The 7 Days Of Garbage Project

Have you heard of the 7 days of garbage project carried by Gregg Segal? It is as interesting as it sounds! Despite just highlighting how much Americans consume in a week's time, it also raises awareness of how our rubbish affects the environment. After all, no one wants to lie in their own trash like this, right? Someday we may have to, if we don't cut pollution. Here is an interesting fact - the average American produces around 4 lb (nearly 2 kg) of rubbish everyday. The figure has doubled



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