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How to Keep Pests at Bay Naturally


There has always been a debate about bugs – most people fear and hate them, others don't. To be honest I have to agree with the old saying that goes “the only good bug is the dead bug”, but either way these creatures are unique in the ways they organize themselves, how they adapt and the survival mechanisms they employ. Not to mention that they are extremely functional and most times I wish I was so useful to nature!

Do you know that you don't always need chemicals in the war against insects? There are different pest control techniques you could try in your house. This way your home will simply be unattractive to different types of pests. One of the most common question in the bug business is “ How to prevent pests from getting into our home”. There can never be a straightforward answer to this question. Keep in mind that sometimes whatever you do there will be an occasional insect trying to disturb you.

When making your house unattractive to pests start from removing litter, loose boards, etc. away from the foundations of the house. Litter is attracting pests and loose boards provide hiding places. Keep bushes and tree branches trimmed in a way they don't touch the walls of your house. Branches and bushes provide excellent pathways for ants to climb. Avoid using the outside lights all the time, because they also attract insects, especially mosquitoes, and these guys are annoying.

Remove dead wood from your premises as it makes a great home for termites. In addition, fill any cracks in walls and doors as ants find them and use them. Make sure windows close tightly and there is no space between them and the window frames. When cleaning your house, pay more attention to the corners. Spiders prefer them for their webs. Clean thoroughly and remove all webs. This way you can make sure that you will get rid of them. You probably know this, but unless you don't, spiders are smart animals and they never build a web in a place where it will keep getting destroyed. Clean behind furniture as this might be the next place they build a web.

When you clean the carpet and especially when you shampoo them, make sure they have dried well before introducing them back to your home. Dust mites and other insects love damp places and carpets are a great breeding spot. Occasional carpet cleaning through hot water extraction will eliminate them and will make your carpets clean and safe again. Similarly your mattress will also need a thorough cleaning once a year or every two years. Find out about bed bugs here.

If cockroaches are a problem make sure you keep the drain covers on sinks, baths, etc. By following this simple step, their “way” will be blocked. You can occasionally pour a cupful of bleach down your drains, or freshly squeezed lemon juice at least once a week. The fumes from the bleach will keep the cockroaches away.

Keep in mind that sometimes you will stumble upon insects, even if you have followed this advice and completed all the steps thoroughly. It is inevitable, but keep in mind that no all insects and pests. Check out what Russell Brand said: "Say a fly comes in me house; I tolerate that little asshole. He is just passing through life like I am!" If a pest or insect enters try to get rid of it without inflicting harm or spraying toxic solutions. You are harming yourself too this way. Of course, don't let things get out of hands.



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