Outdoor Halloween Decoration Ideas: Homemade Versions
It is the time of the year again where we can see different spooky decorations, food and costumes. Halloween is indeed one of the highly anticipated event of the year. People of any age take part in the said event, both young and adult, which makes it more fun.

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Many children do trick or treat during this event. And to bring more thrill and excitement, most homeowners decorate their homes especially the outdoor space with Halloween themed stuff. Indeed, one can find a variety of Halloween items in stores. Are you thinking of how to embellish your yard without spending much? There are Halloween decorations you can craft at home that will not hurt your budget. And most of these decorations can be made from recycled materials. Hence, they are friendly to the environment.
Flying Ghosts
Fill the trees in your yard with flying ghosts. No, you do not need to buy super scary and pricey faux ghosts in the shops. Why not make your own?
Look for regular latex balloons, ideally the white ones. If they are not white, you may coat them with white paint. Get a black duct tape and cut out two medium sized circles which will serve as eyes and small elongated shape for the mouth (you may add eyebrows if you desire). Form the face of the ghost and set the balloon in the middle of the gauge cloth allowing it to freely flow. Tie the balloon with black or clear sting and dangle them on tall plants in your yard.
Haunted Sign
Scare your unexpected visitors by adding a spooky sign in your front yard. This might give your guests a chill to the bone.
Check your garage or storage room for salvage items. Look for a corbel or an aged post. Opt for a weathered one as it is more convincing. Create a scary message or welcome phrase stating that your home is haunted. Or, you can write the “Enter if you Dare” phrase. Make it more creepy by adding small spider or crows.
Bat-Filled Door
Cover a certain part of your main door with different sizes of bats. This kind of nocturnal mammal might not be that scary if it is just one; but if you fill the door with a number of bats, it will surely bring a different atmosphere in your yard.
Buy black paper or paperboard. This will not really cost you much as you can get a piece in less than a dollar. Draw big, medium and small bats. Draw the bats on the paper and cut them off. Stick them on the main door. Bats can be arranged by size or mix them all together. There is no rule on where to stick them, just make an effort to make them look scary.
Yard Tombs
Create a faux cemetery scene right in your own yard. Surely, guests will get an eerie feeling when they step a foot in your yard. Cemetery atmosphere is surefire an effective way to scare them off.
For an environmentally safe faux headstones, you may opt to use cardboard. It is biodegradable so it will not really hurt the environment. Think of how you want the tombs to look like. There are different shapes of tomb. Thus, you must choose which one you like. Or, you may combine them all. Add caption on the paperboard headstones for a more realistic appearance. Make sure the labels are creepy like RIP (rest in peace), vacant, etc.
Halloween activities are held everywhere. So why not take part in the event? Children will surely enjoy wandering around the neighborhood with these creepy decorations. If you are living in a residential community like Lincoln Military Housing, you may even host a party right in your yard. But keep in mind that making your home look spooky does not really demand you to spend a fortune. There are recyclable materials you can use. All you need is a bit of creativity.
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