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Unconventional Awareness Raising Methods: The Strangest "Save the Planet Campaigns"

Protecting the earth has become a top priority these days, when the planet is more polluted than ever, more and more trees are cut down, ocean levels are rising, species of beautiful animals become extinct and this paradise may soon become a hell if we are not careful. People who care about the earth are getting involved and one of the best ways to do something positive about this issue is to raise the awareness of other people who may not realize what's going on. But, what happens when traditional campaigns are not enough? People can have all sorts of ideas and this is how the strangest "save the planet campaigns" have been started.

The Strangest "Save the Planet Campaigns"

In one particular campaign, the forces of darkness represented by Darth Vader in white socks jumping on a beautiful flowering field are saving our earth. The forces of darkness encourage people to shut off the lights for one hour. The controversial image of Darth Vader in a summer outfit is meant to make people think and wake up. In another creative picture, the forests of the world are made to look like the lungs of our beloved planet. One of these lungs has been partially "deforested", so the capacity of the lungs to breath is diminished.

For raising the awareness about the extinction of ocean life, a picture used as a Greenpeace ad showing a stream of garbage that flows through the water is very suggestive of what is happening with our oceans. Another controversial but awesome picture is the one of a women coming from her travels with souvenirs that come from animal abuse. There is a trail of blood from her suitcase. Even stranger is a video that encourages people to pee in the shower in order to save water.

One of the strangest "save the planet campaigns" ever conducted is the one involving condoms. Why condoms? Because a major cause of the mass extinction of animals happening in the recent history is the fact that humans are overpopulating the planet. Species that are now becoming extinct can be the loggerhead sea turtle, the Atlantic bluefin tuna, the Mississippi gopher frog, the Lange's metalmark butterfly, the Gulf sturgeon, the polar bear, the Florida panther and others. These animals are just in the United States. The disappearance of species is now one thousand times more rapid than ever, due to human population growth.

The condom campaign is about freedom of choice, education, diversity, respecting human rights and empowerment. People must have easier access to family planning. Family planning is a matter of health, welfare and a universal human right. It also has an impact on the environment. Contraception is encouraged, because women who use this method are healthier, more educated and empowered and also, economically productive. During this campaign, hundreds of thousands of condoms are given to people for free. The Earth Day and the Valentine's Day are especially considered for this purpose.

In an attempt to do anything in their power to save this paradise called earth, people who care are doing desperate things. Raising the awareness about the negative effects some human activities may have on the environment is the primary concern. Creativity is a must in this type of work, because starting innovative and controversial campaigns may be one of the best ways of making people wake up.



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