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Eco-friendly Electric Vehicles


The internal combustion engine has been the leading force of every kind of development for more than 150 years now. Ever since its invention (i.e. adaptation and sophistication of previous tries), this machine has served in all fields of human work. Even where it seems that it has not been used, like the IT sector, it is not actually true, because all these components and computers have to be transferred and shipped. Because of that, IT is also unimaginable without the good old ICE.

However, as the world is rapidly heading and developing, no matter how much is costs, it has become clear that fossil fuels have two huge flaws: they are expendable and they pollute the environment. When there were only a few millions vehicles in the world, it was not that dangerous. However, with the number of cars in the world exceeding one billion, the red lamps of alert are constantly on and we need to figure out something different to slow down with the harm we are doing to the Earth. One way of reducing the damage are electrically-powered vehicles.

Old fuel, new electricity

Hybrid electric vehicles (HEV) represent a sort of a link between old-fashionedICE vehicles and newly devised plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs). If you are not too keen on novelties, especially when it comes to your automobile pet, a hybrid might be just the right choice for you.


Nissan Leaf PEV

This type of electric vehicles is a combo of a fossil fuel-powered power train and electric batteries. The accent is put on highly efficient energy consumption. For instance, it uses regenerative braking as a source for converting mechanical energy produced from friction into electric energy. In old-fashioned, i.e. ordinary cars, when braking, we waste about 30% of the energy that we got from petrol or diesel. This new system is more efficient and, consequently, more acceptable for the environment.

Only electricity-powered vehicles

Once you have got used to driving HEVs, you can go one step further, which is plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs). These vehicles rely only on the energy received from the power grid. Just like when you plug in your laptop or smart phone, the same way of charging is applied in PEVs. The energy received through charging is stored in batteries and the electric motor uses that energy when the car is being driven.

The drawback of PEVs is the mileage that can be covered with only one charging, which is about 40 mph. Also, you have to be well-informed about charging spots on your route so that you know when you are going to be able to recharge your electric vehicle if on the road.

On the other hand, the advantage of fully electric vehicle is without any doubt its energy efficiency. Beside that, electric motors can be used in numerous vehicles when it is recommendable that there are no exhaustion fuels or noise needs to be reduced.

In factories, for instance, the level of noise is usually already quite high. If a person working in a warehouse is exposed to noise in the plant itself, the noise in the warehouse should be lowered. That is why electric motors are great for forklifts.

Also, riding mowers should be equipped with electric motors as much as possible. They are usually used in inhabited areas. The amount of noise would be minimized, as well as fuel consumption. It would lead to major local budget savings and less noise.

The development of electrically-powered vehicles is unstoppable and the range of their possibilities and advantages is only going to grow.


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