4 Strategies to Make Your Home More Energy Efficient
Energy efficiency is one of the smartest contributions you can make to your household budget and to the future of our planet. If you adopt just one single eco-friendly strategy listed herein, Mother Nature and your wallet will certainly thank you. Some of the strategies may require you to make an initial investment that will eventually pay for itself in terms of savings. With this in mind, here are four strategies to increase your home’s energy efficiency.
Switch to LED or CFL Light Bulbs
Compact fluorescent lamps and LED light bulbs are between 35 to 65 percent more efficient than their traditional counterparts. Depending on your lighting usage patterns and the number of illuminated spaces in your house, you could save between $40 and $60 per year with LED bulbs. Keep in mind that keeping lights on during the daytime will result in higher electricity bills.
Choose Smart Ways to Conserve Water
Municipal utilities are forced to apply a substantial amount of energy to pump drinking water to your house. At a time when major cities such as Cape Town in South Africa are suffering major water shortages, you should do your best to conserve water at home. Three tips to get started: install low-flow shower heads and faucets, wash only full loads of laundry, and turn off water that you’re not using when you shower or brush your teeth.
Bury Your Electric Cables
Exposed and aerial electrical cables are at a higher risk of becoming damaged. A smarter and more energy-efficient way of organizing electrical wires and cables is to bury them. Underground wiring installation minimize the risk of power failure due to damage to electrical cables during extreme weather conditions. This is something to be done by a trained professional, however, like those from Motor Shop Electrical Construction Co.
Modernize Your HVAC System
If you live in a warm region, chances are that your air conditioning unit is the most expensive line item in your monthly electricity bill. For this reason, you should invest in a smart thermostat and an overall upgrade. This does not mean that you will have to replace your compressor. Depending on the age and condition of your A/C unit, a seasonal tune-up may be all you need to make it energy-efficient.
In the end, you should strive to adopt the four strategies listed above and conduct further research on household energy efficiency. Learning more about this subject may prompt to adopt a more eco-friendly lifestyle that can holistically improve your health.
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