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Planet Savers: 4 Things You Should Always Recycle

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Many people understand the importance of recycling. In fact, almost a fourth of Americans recycle their water bottles. But other than cans, glass, and paper, what else are you supposed to recycle?


Why Recycle?

Before we dive into what should always be recycled, let’s outline why it is so important to recycle in the first place. Although it seems like every product we purchase replenishes itself, every item we consume is made from a limited resource. If we are not responsible, we may run out of these resources someday. When we choose to recycle our goods, the material that was used again to create the products we love will be used for a similar product. Every time you recycle, you contribute directly to a sustainable future.


Car Tires

Although it may sound odd, car tires are extremely bad for the environment. According to the experts at Discount Tire Center, you should always recycle old automobile tires. When they are decommissioned, they are merely a large rubber, hollow donut. Old tires laying around create an environment that is prone to flooding, vermin, and mosquitos. Furthermore, rubber is conducive to fire. Fires born from the rubber of a tire will usually last longer to extinguish, thus causing an unrelenting amount of pollution to the environment. On the bright side, tire-derived fuel or TDF is responsible for a large portion of energy. One tire can produce up to five gallons of fuel, so it is in the best interest of this planet to continue recycling car tires.


Mobile and Desktop Computers

Steve Jobs and Bill Gates accomplished their dreams of putting a personal computer inside every home, but that also created a large amount of waste. Fortunately, old computers and laptops can be recycled as well. Best Buy, Office Depot, and Staples all accept larger electronics for a small recycling fee to ease your stress. These products contain dangerous chemicals such as lead, mercury, cadmium, arsenic, and brominated flame retardants that continue to destroy environments surrounding landfills.


Plastic Bags

The importance of recycling plastic cannot be explained in a better way than looking at the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. Alternatively, the act of recycling plastic will decrease the need for petroleum (a non-renewable resource) and increase our levels of sustainability.


Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs

Although they demand less energy, these light bulbs contain mercury. When they are smashed in a landfill, they release mercury into the soil, polluting the surrounding area. Alternatively, recycling one light bulb can produce one light bulb and it is easily completed at your local Home Depot. Simply find their Lamp Recycle area, and they will recycle the bulb for you.



Recycling is difficult to begin but easily maintained. Once you begin the process of changing the way you dispose of unwanted products and materials, you will acclimate within weeks. When it comes to recycling, it really is a decision between sustainable living and the opposite.



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