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4 Ingenious Ways to Make Your Home Eco-Friendly and Save in the Process

Environmentally friendly solutions for the home might seem overwhelming and expensive, but if done correctly they can save a homeowner money without much worry or effort. Some solutions yield immediate savings while others take longer to materialize but may be even more cost saving. All of the examples below are smart ways to help the environment through lower use of water and electricity while saving money in the process.

4 Ingenious Ways to Make Your Home Eco-Friendly and Save in the Process.JPG

Synthetic Grass

Planting and maintaining grass is not only ecologically wasteful, it’s also expensive. The constant watering that grass requires, especially in drought stricken areas, is extremely wasteful and all that wasted water costs money. According to the experts at Green Planet Grass, there is a practical and aesthetically pleasing alternative: synthetic grass, or artificial turf. Synthetic grass allows all of the same activities as normal grass, so families can still play catch and soccer, but without the associated water costs and waste of a normal lawn.


Improved Insulation

Upgrading the insulation in your home is a one-time cost that will lead to energy savings for a long time to come. A lot of insulation methods are associated with toxic chemicals and high prices, but they don’t have to be. By using recycled, non-toxic, but high quality insulation you won’t be polluting the environment, and a well insulated home means lower heating and cooling costs year round.


Grey Water Recycling

Installing a grey-water recycling system might sound overwhelming, but it can actually be as easy and straightforward as diverting laundry water to a bucket used for watering plants. This simple step can save a hundred dollars every year in water costs with just the cost of a bucket. While easily diverting used water can be affordable and simple, more complex and efficient grey-water recycling methods can also be installed, just be sure to check your state’s policies on water repurposing.


Energy Efficient Appliances

Energy efficient appliances can make a huge difference in electricity consumption and therefore utility costs. Switching all appliances at once probably won’t fit in most people’s budgets, and no one should be getting rid of brand new appliances, but it’s a good idea to consider replacing things that already are old and need to be replaced with appliances that will use less water and electricity. Not only will washing dishes and laundry become easier and faster, but all utility costs will drop as well.



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