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Ryan's Green Diary

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Use Less Energy This Summer

A hot summer day or night is the perfect time to turn on the air conditioner to keep the family cool. However, what do you do if you are concerned with keeping your family comfortable while also protecting the environment? Here are some tips that you can use to achieve both goals at the same time. Use Geothermal Heating Sources A geothermal heat pump can keep your home warm in the winter and cool in the summer. During the summer months, heat is drawn from your home via the pump and returne

Ryan Ward

Ryan Ward

A Few Ways to Practice Eco Conscious Pest Control

When dealing with pests such as mice, rats or insects, a homeowner will experience frustration and usually do anything to rid his or her house of the problem. While true, plenty of people don’t want to use toxic methods to kill pests as they want to protect their family and the environment. Luckily, there are a few ways to get rid of the pests without damaging the planet. Here are four ways a commercial pest control company can help you in an environmentally friendly way. No-kill traps: When

Ryan Ward

Ryan Ward

Fuel-Efficient Diesel Water Pumps

While we can all hope that fossil fuels will no longer be need in the future for engines, today they are an essential part of everyday life. Until alternative energy prices come down to the point where they are more cost-effective, the majority of businesses will continue to use engines powered by fossil fuels. For pump applications, diesel fuel is still widely preferred over clean energy. While this is somewhat disappointing, the good news is that many fuel-efficient diesel pumps exist in the m

Ryan Ward

Ryan Ward

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