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Why is Canvas a Perfect Material for Bags?

Alternative bagging materials have exploded in recent years, and canvas is one of the most popular. This is mostly based upon the fact that it is very friendly to the environment, but canvas’ benefits go far beyond that. Waterproof and Windproof Canvas is woven extremely tightly, meaning that it boasts outstanding waterproof qualities. This is why canvas has been used throughout history in the great outdoors. It may even be made to qualify as ‘marine grade’, in which case it can be used as a



Three Incredible Uses of Paper Bags

Since their invention over 100 years ago, paper bags have become one of the most ubiquitous products on the planet, and they continue to impress in the modern age due to their eco-friendly credentials. You can use an old paper bags to cook popcorn, protect your plants, cover your children’s text books, make puppets, or construct luminaries, and that’s just a small list. Some people have taken reusing paper bags to the next level. Paper Bag Stairs Rachel Evans’ staircase is one of a kind. U



What Are The Environmental Benefits Of Using Paper Bags?

Each year, over 1 trillion plastic bags are used worldwide. Yes, that’s a 1 with 12 zeros. Most of these bags are used only once, after which they are discarded (only a tiny percentage are recycled). It’s quite hard to imagine such an enormous amount of plastic rubbish, but it’s not hard to realise this is not a good thing. Each of these plastic bags can take 500 - 1000 years to degrade, or maybe even longer, scientists don’t really know, but they’re pretty convinced it’s a very, very long time.



Use Recycled Paper Bags for a Healthier Garden

Paper bags can be recycled and repurposed in numerous ways, and some of the most advantageous uses can help keep your garden in tip-top condition. Here are a few ways in which your paper can aid your plants. Include in Composting Paper bags are relatively thick and highly absorbent, so they make the perfect brown matter for your compost. Dense paper can be shredded into small, narrow pieces, and then mixed in normally, while thinner paper bags can be torn into larger bits and scrunched up in



5 Alternative Uses for Paper Bags

With concerns about the environment, shoppers are now being advised to avoid using plastic carrier bags. One alternative to these is paper bags. Once you have accumulated a few of these at home, you may wonder if there are any other uses for them instead of leaving them stashed in a cupboard. Here are five unusual ways to utilise any spare paper bags.   Make a Gift Bag   Paper bags are ideal to use as a cheap gift bag. It is simple to transform a plain bag into something really pretty. Either t



Top 3 Uses For Paper Bags When You Have Kids

Paper bags are not just for shopping; they make ideal storage and props for entertaining your kids. Take a look at our top 3 uses; we guarantee that you with be using at least one of them before the day is out.   1.    STORING ART AND CRAFT ITEMS   Paper carrier bags are ideal for storing all those craft items that you have in old pencil cases, and clogging draws about the house. Why not use a paper bag to store everything from pencils and crayons, to pots of glitter and glue. It’s even easy



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