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Why is Canvas a Perfect Material for Bags?

Alternative bagging materials have exploded in recent years, and canvas is one of the most popular. This is mostly based upon the fact that it is very friendly to the environment, but canvas’ benefits go far beyond that.

Waterproof and Windproof

Canvas is woven extremely tightly, meaning that it boasts outstanding waterproof qualities. This is why canvas has been used throughout history in the great outdoors. It may even be made to qualify as ‘marine grade’, in which case it can be used as a sail making material.

This is good news for modern shoppers since it provides a material which protects belongings from water, but which doesn’t employ any chemical treatments to do so. It also means that canvas is slightly better for carrying anything which may leak.

Extremely Sturdy

As well as being both wind and waterproof, canvas is an incredibly strong fabric. This is another reason why it has been used historically for making sales – canvas does not yield easily to the stresses caused by frequent tugs and pressures.

Of course, a shopping bag isn’t likely to need to put up with the same conditions you’d face out on the high seas, but canvas’ natural toughness remains useful. Other bagging materials – particularly plastics - can quickly become misshapen due to the constantly shifting weight of heavy items. In contrast, a canvas bag will hold its shape for years to come.

Retains Colour Effectively

As stated, canvas benefits from a tremendously tight weave. This also means that it retains dyed colour extraordinarily well, even when facing harsh environmental conditions.

This makes canvas a solid choice for promotional bags. Nearly all promotional products are chosen based on their ability to remain in use for years to come, providing a constant reminder to those using them of the business which supplied the product in the first place. If you’re giving out promotional bags, you’re naturally going to want the printing to remain clear for a long time, so canvas is often the way to go.


Strong, water resistant, and very long lasting, it should come as no surprise than canvas is becoming more a more popular as a bagging material.




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