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brettbh last won the day on November 21 2013

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  1. ... or choose not to be a father. Do you think that he should be able to elect to not be the father of Greta's child in the eyes of the law?
  2. Greta could also die if she decided to have the baby (in fact, an abortion is probably safer than pregnancy), but that's really not the point. Greta can choose whether to be a mother; shouldn't Simon be able to choose whether to be a father? I'm not suggesting that Simon should be able to force Greta into having an abortion - simply that he be able to opt out of being the child's father in the eyes of the law.
  3. What is "abstinence" anyway? Isn't it something that makes the heart grow fonder? Or some form of anise-flavored liquor?
  4. Whoops! I misread! So, Dot Eco LLC will be shelling out for the gTLD and then donating a portion (not all!) of the profits it receives from licensing ECO domains. Still not worthwhile or in the least bit green, IMO!
  5. I've only ever watched one of those shows: The Office (the British version; not the dumbed-down version aimed at Americans).
  6. I suspect that the answer is rather complex and may vary according to the materials in question and the area in which you live. But, whatever, whether recycling is better for the environment than not recycling, it's certainly not as energy-efficient as it could be (do you now you many empty pop bottles get shipped all the way to China?). And, as Simon mentioned paper, here's something else to chew on.
  7. But should you? If women have the right to opt out of motherhood, why shouldn't men have the right to opt out of fatherhood?
  8. People take Penn/Teller seriously? Really? Does the US not have any real investigative journalists?
  9. So, do you think that men should be able to opt out of parenthood too? Let's say that Simon was to spend a couple of hours with a "lady of the night" who was to subsequently become pregnant. Because Simon is exceptionally wealthy, the hoochie momma sees him as a good meal ticket and, against his wishes, decides to have the baby. Is it right that, in such circumstances, Simon would have to be Dad (legally, anyway) and liable for 16+ years of child support? If women can opt of motherhood, should men not be able to opt out of fatherhood?
  10. You think? I've never noticed. That said, London is the biggest European city by far, so it does makes sense.
  11. A Swedish couple in search of the isle of Capri drove to Carpi, an industrial town in northern Italy, because they misspelt the name in their car's GPS. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/8173308.stm
  12. I've always thought that tubbies should be made to pay a premium for public transportation. I mean, if I have to pay extra to get my excess baggage onto a flight, why shouldn't they?
  13. Either divert some of the energy produced into cooling (which, of course, would make the plants less efficient) or site them in locations where heat would not be an issue. Somewhere like Sweden, maybe :-)
  14. From another post: "The population is growing at a rate of 1.5 million per week. To put that number in perspective, in order to house all those people in a single place you'd need to build a city the size of Phoenix each and every week, or a city the size of New York every 5 weeks. Before the end of next month, the world's population will have increased by more than the current population of Sweden. Before the end of the year, it will have increased by more than the current population of the UK. Before the end of 2013, it will have increased by more than the current population of the US." >>The West is responsible for about 80% of the worlds CO2 increase. An average person living in Great Britain will in only 11 days emit as much CO2 as an average person in Bangladesh will during a whole year. And just a single power plant in West Yorkshire in Great Britain will produce more CO2 every year than all the 139 million people combined living in Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi, Zambia and Mozambique.<< But these are (rapidly) developing countries and it would a mistake to assume that their emissions will not increase substantially over the coming years. Population increase in undoubtedly one of the most serious challenges - possibly the most serious challenge - facing the planet.
  15. Micro-blogging is actually fun and can be addictive. I bet you'll eventually change your mind. :)

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