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Wired Magazine says the climate crisis is no big deal


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I recently read Wired's September issue and their "Apocalypse Not" cover story by Matt Ridley. It's a stupid article where Ridley in an ignorant and old-fashioned liberal way downplays the dangers of climate change. His whole argument against the dangers of global warming basically goes like this: “we have successfully combated malaria with pesticides and money – therefore the other effects of climate change are equally overblown and they will most likely be as easy to solve.”

I was about to write a longer post about it, but meh, it's not worth my time. So I’m glad I found this blog post from Grist which successfully trash this piece of garbage journalism.

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I may or may not agree with your article. I would have to read it before commenting. Using Grist as a credible source for anything is questionable. Grist is funded by V. Kann Rasmussen Foundation who funds dozens of activist groups who are not based in science. They are based upon agenda driven political and money making efforts. The Rasmussen Foundation itself is awashed in over 93 million dollars. Sounds like fat cat corperations to me. Here is their mission.

Founded in 1991, the V. Kann Rasmussen Foundation’s (VKRF) work is based on the premise that since human activity lies at the core of most current environmental problems then human creativity and collaboration are at the heart of solving the problems these activities create. The environmental mission of VKRF is to support the transition to a more environmentally resilient, stable, and sustainable planet. We believe best practices for promoting sustainability will be most effectively developed through an integrated systems approach and one which furthers the involvement of an informed public in environmental decision making.

This tells you where this foundation sits before they tell you where they stand. They are not about objective science. The V. Kann Rasmussen Foundation also gave 825,000 dollars to the Environmental Media Services. Here is a bit about this group.

EMS is the communications arm of leftist public relations firm Fenton Communications. Based in Washington, in the same office suite as Fenton, EMS claims to be "providing journalists with the most current information on environmental issues." A more accurate assessment might be that it spoon-feeds the news media sensationalized stories, based on questionable science, and featuring activist "experts," all designed to promote and enrich David Fenton’s paying clients, and build credibility for the nonprofit ones. It’s a clever racket, and EMS & Fenton have been running it since 1994.

Its all about greed. The money has to flow into the right pockets. Its not about the truth or science. Its about gaming the system.

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