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What are the best plants for removing indoor toxins?


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  • 9 months later...
Just like you said, there are various houseplants that can keep the air in our homes clean from pollutants and various harmful gases as well as balance indoor humidity.  I can't tell you which plant is the best, but here are several plants that you can use to clean the air in your household:
First up is the Spider plant, also known as chlorophytum comosum (as seen in the picture above). This plant is great at removing poisonous gases in your home, but be prepared that it can grow very rapidly. If you have cats they will love this plant as it - just like ordinary grass - contains folic acid, a vitamin which is essential to a cat’s well-being.
Another plant is the exotic-looking Boston fern (Nephrolepsis exaltata bostoniensis), which can also act as a natural humidifier.
The Golden Pothos (Epipremnum aureum), also known as Devil’s ivy or silver vine, is sometimes considered as weed due to its rather invasive characteristics. But the plant is very efficient when it comes to removing indoor pollutants. Just note that the plant is toxic to both children and pets.
A popular plant to remove indoor toxins is the Areca Palm (Chrysalidocarpus lutescens), best known for its humidifying effects. It's a rather sensitive plant that grows slowly and needs year-round care.
The Aloe Vera (Aloe barbadensis) plant is one of my favourites. Thanks to its many medicinal properties it's a plant that is used in many skin care products, but it can also filter various gas emissions in your home.
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  • 7 months later...

Thank you for the post. I too had heard this about ferns, but had not heard about many of the others. I have many indoor plants, but I now have reason to bring some of my aloe indoors since I have usually grown them outside. This is an interesting topic and you have given me the incentive to look in to it more.

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