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Why should my country face a climate change.

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Hello guys,this topic is for discussion about climate change in context of under developed/developing countries.My country is Nepal,it lies in south east Asia and it is developing country.We have green forests,a huge resources of running water,white mountains.Being a developing country,it doesn't have much industries and 70% population on farming.Explaining all these,I doesn't mean we are only one saving the green world but it just means we are not exposing the green world much.

But,the problem is why should we face ozone layer depletion to cause some sorts of harm on skin/health problems?Why should we face some nuclear harms if some developed country test their power?

The most worst thing caused by all this global warming and climate change due industries/vehicles/nuclear tests to my country is that our mountains snow is melting down.This not only destroys the earth physical/surface it also raise the ocean level causing tsunami,flood in countries like indonesia,japan,maldives.This is only one example,there are lots of things faced by developing countries by the problems caused by developed countries.

So,guys what do you think about this?


That is horrible! It's such an unfortunate situation that you can't even control. People need to speak up about industrial testing and get more restrictions on it. Is there any way you can start an organization so that your voice is heard?


Actually, the biggest problems are not developed countries, but other developing countries. If you are worried about nuclear emissions and ozone depletion then you might want to try complaining to China or India. However, I'm not sure how you could possibly make a case. What could you possibly say to these two countries that wouldn't simply be both selfish and utterly naive? Do not the billions living in these two countries deserve the right to advance in the world? Must they remain in a hell of poverty, violence, and suffering because you live in a pretty country? It doesn't seem fear and honestly it isn't. That is why when in America there are some who raise the question of curtailing the development of others in order to preserve the enviroment such talk is quickly shut down. How can it be fair for one group to shout down another?


The worst affected by global warming will be the poor. I've actually been to Nepal so I know how bad some of the roads are there. The water from the mountains makes some of the roads a life threatening ordeal. It is unfair but that's the way it is, countries like Nepal will suffer from the consequences.


@Esperahol I know China is one of the overpopulated country and also among top polluted country due its coal mine and lots other stuffs.But china also is an developed country.And I am not against euro/usa countries I am just focusing on my country and how it is affected by world developed countries so called development by big industries and smokes.

The worst affected by global warming will be the poor. I've actually been to Nepal so I know how bad some of the roads are there. The water from the mountains makes some of the roads a life threatening ordeal. It is unfair but that's the way it is, countries like Nepal will suffer from the consequences.

Yes,it will and nobody is gonna listen.Just the world has to move.China/Russia should develop fast as communists to compete with america and uk.And we will suffer in this rush of development.


@Esperahol I know China is one of the overpopulated country and also among top polluted country due its coal mine and lots other stuffs.But china also is an developed country.And I am not against euro/usa countries I am just focusing on my country and how it is affected by world developed countries so called development by big industries and smokes.

Yes,it will and nobody is gonna listen.Just the world has to move.China/Russia should develop fast as communists to compete with america and uk.And we will suffer in this rush of development.

China and Russia are not communist countries, they are both capitalist countries with bureaucratic/authoritarian governments. The means of production is private controlled in China. People seem to think the rate of growth in China will continue to rise or at least remain constant for decades, they are in for a big shock.

You are right, though, growth in countries like Brazil and India will inevitably result in increased CO2 omissions. It is an orgy of profits, to hell with the health of our planet.

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