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Is global warming a moral panic, the challenge of our generation, both or neither?

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A good article I found in regards to Global Warming http://bit.ly/qKT9H. My take, the challenge of our generation because we're all so dependent on oil to run our cars and I think it'll be a challenge to get rid of the gas guzzlers out there. It's a big contributor to Global Warming. There are still so many people driving those big SUVs and not caring a bit about our addiction to oil. What's your take?


People definitely depend on oil and their cars. I think we can't hope that we will totally wean off oil any day soon. So talking about using means of transport is, for now, a more realistic hope, but still very difficult.

Those who dont own a car can clearly see how addicted others can be. I have friends who can't go to the city centre by bus anymore, while two years ago it was perfectly easy and normal in their minds.

Cars change people, they make them a kind of 'comformists'. They hate waiting at the bus stop, they hate a crowded metro etc etc. And once they have started using a car, it's very difficult to make them stop. SUV's are a nightmare, and fast cars too.. And governments dont help much, at least here. They dont improve the public means of transport to persuade citizens to use them.


People definitely depend on oil and their cars. I think we can't hope that we will totally wean off oil any day soon. So talking about using means of transport is, for now, a more realistic hope, but still very difficult.

Those who dont own a car can clearly see how addicted others can be. I have friends who can't go to the city centre by bus anymore, while two years ago it was perfectly easy and normal in their minds.

Cars change people, they make them a kind of 'comformists'. They hate waiting at the bus stop, they hate a crowded metro etc etc. And once they have started using a car, it's very difficult to make them stop. SUV's are a nightmare, and fast cars too.. And governments dont help much, at least here. They dont improve the public means of transport to persuade citizens to use them.

"They dont improve the public means of transport to persuade citizens to use them. " that is a key point and applies everyplace. Very few governments are really doing what they need to be doing to improve public transportation. People cannot use something that is not in place so they have no choice but take private cars. Amazing the number of people that want to restrict cars when people have no other choice. We can talk "green" all we want but FIRST you have to have an alternative IN PLACE for people to switch to....

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