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Green for kids


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blogentry-8047-0-27599000-1407327486_thuMy associates and I have developed a kids character named Greanwold. (Grean as in green and wold as is in woods or a forest). We are developing Greanwold to be a guru for kids (protect the environment kids and look after other kids less fortunate than yourself) and am looking for feedback and possible partners in developing the theme. Greanwold is also associated with a Foundation, supporting orphans in Thailand.

In my opnion, it is critically important the kids of today become the environmentally concious adults of tomorrow. What is the response to this?

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In my opnion, it is critically important the kids of today become the environmentally concious adults of tomorrow. What is the response to this?

Agreed. But I'm not at all convinced that a $10 environmentally-friendly version of Club Penguin is the best way to them into eco-citizens!

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When I first read the word 'Greanwold' I thought it meant something like 'GreenWorld'.

Agreed. But I'm not at all convinced that a $10 environmentally-friendly version of Club Penguin is the best way to them into eco-citizens!

When I was smaller, in Sweden, we had a similar figure called 'Mulle' or 'Skogsmulle':

When I went to kindergarten we were often out to the nearest forest and sometimes this figure 'Mulle' would come on a surprise visit and teach us about taking care about the nature and learning us more about the different animals living there etc. It was great! :)

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When I first read the word 'Greanwold' I thought it meant something like 'GreenWorld'.

When I was smaller, in Sweden, we had a similar figure called 'Mulle' or 'Skogsmulle':


When I went to kindergarten we were often out to the nearest forest and sometimes this figure 'Mulle' would come on a surprise visit and teach us about taking care about the nature and learning us more about the different animals living there etc. It was great! :)

Sounds like the concept that if we keep reinventing the wheel long enough we will get one that rolls. I vote for Skogsmulle! :D I suggest spending more time on content of the message and less on weird characters.... surely there is a local animal that they would relate to better....

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Agreed. But I'm not at all convinced that a $10 environmentally-friendly version of Club Penguin is the best way to them into eco-citizens!

We are NOT a Club Penguin. People can register for free and there are free goodies on-line. There is no obligation to buy a membership. However, if you choose to do so, great. We have a lot of surprises coming out in the months to come, not the least being a new software package for kids.

Michael Trigg

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Sounds like the concept that if we keep reinventing the wheel long enough we will get one that rolls. I vote for Skogsmulle! :D I suggest spending more time on content of the message and less on weird characters.... surely there is a local animal that they would relate to better....

Such as?

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