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Hey Guys -- I wanted to let everyone know about the Live Earth Green Inaugural Ball. Check it out! It is a great project...


Live Earth and Magnify.net want to give everyone the opportunity to participate in the Ball, a celebration of a new era of possibility for the environment and the new green economy. Anyone can submit a new or existing short film or video to the Live Earth Video site powered by Magnify.net (http://video.liveearth.org/) expressing ideas as to how President Barack Obama and his administration can use clean energy and green technology to change the country, save the economy, and solve the climate crisis. Selected submissions will be featured on Live Earth’s website and may be screened before the celebrities, artists, and leaders of the environmental community that will be gathered at the Green Inaugural Ball. Deadline for submissions for consideration for the Ball is 9 AM Pacific time on Thursday, January 15th

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