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Green Bible sparks controversy in USA

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A new “Green Bible” which is said to embrace environmentalism and the need to protect the Earth has apparently sparked some controversy among evangelicals in the US, the United Press International reports. The Green Bible, has been endorsed by the Humane Society and the Sierra Club and has so far been sold in 25000 copies.

“Other evangelicals are concerned the Green Bible will mislead Christians because it does not interpret Scripture literally, said James Taylor, a founding elder at Living Water Christian Fellowship in Palmetto, Fla.

“These groups don’t have a religious focus; they have a desire to spread their environmental message,” Taylor said of the essayists who contributed to the Green Bible, which contains a foreword from Anglican Archbishop Desmond Tutu.”

Yes, these religious fundamentalists are worried that the “Green Bible” won’t follow the Bible literally. You know, they are worried that the “Green Bible” won’t say that it is alright to own a slave or sacrifice animals as well as humans as it is “pleasing to the Lord”. Or that it is alright to murder and rape people in the name of a fairy-tale God. It makes my mind boggle that people still in the 21st century believes in religious dogma and superstition. Will we ever be able to leave the Dark Age?

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“Other evangelicals are concerned the Green Bible will mislead Christians because it does not interpret Scripture literally, said James Taylor, a founding elder at Living Water Christian Fellowship in Palmetto, Fla.

It's worrying that it's an issue.

Are Christian leaders worried that people who read "Photoshop CS3 Bible" or "Excel 2007 Bible" will interpret using computer software is somehow related to scripture? Please people, I know people can be dense, but surely not that dense?!?!?


It's worrying that it's an issue.

Worrying, but not at all surprising. Remember, these are the same right-wing, Christian nutcases who want the concept of "intelligent design" to be taught as a science in US schools.


Worrying, but not at all surprising. Remember, these are the same right-wing, Christian nutcases who want the concept of "intelligent design" to be taught as a science in US schools.

In reality, most Christians could not care less about this! As usual you are always going to find people who are alarmed at anything, to some, Christian or not, the sky is always falling!


Sadly, regardless of religion or culture, it's the fanatics that cause issues for the rest of us.


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