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Effects of Global Warming


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Personally I could observe that weather now changes too fast and I think it is caused by global warming. There are so many instances that it was so hot and then it will rain so hard. The summer temperature also becomes too high that it causes droughts. There are also now some small hurricanes in the city destroying properties and lives.

Some other effects of global warming that I had read are spread of diseases, more hurricanes, heat waves, ice caps melting, more floods and wild fires.

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I totally agree. In the future, there are more to expect. I just hope that it won't be that worse. I read in article the possible effects of global warming in the future and here's a part of it:

As global warming progresses, natural resources will be further depleted, and there will be risks of wildlife extinctions, melting of the polar ice caps, coral bleaching and disintegration, floods and droughts, disease, economic disaster, sea level rise, population risks, unsustainable land, and more. As we live in a world characterized by industrial progress and development aided by the help of our natural environment, we are also risking depletion of this natural environment and thus of our world as we know it.

Source: Overview of Global Warming

Let's just pray that the Earth will still be a good place to live in, in the next years to come.

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As someone who lives on a small island, in the middle of the Indian ocean; I feel that in a few years time my country will no longer be having the present coast line.. Consequently, a lot of people will have to move inland; on the higher grounds. I can personally vouch for this fact.

My country, Mauritius; being a big tourist destination will suffer. Tourism, being one of our economy's main pillar, will eventually die.

Our opinions may diverge on the subject but all i can say is sadly some countries will no longer be found on the map during the next century. Industrialized countries should do more to protect smaller nations who are the ones to bear the full brunt of global warming.

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  • 3 months later...

We have been experiencing flooding in my country and change in the way climates used to be. Everything has shifted so much its hard to plan for agricultural farming. You cant depend on rain anymore because the rains may come earlier or later than expected. Every climate is becoming more severer than before, if its summer, the sun is too hot and if its winter its simply too cold.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Everyday, I've seen over the TV, the effects of global warming too. Weathers are becoming unpredictable, pollution are more deadlier and are more harmful. Acid rains are more frequent and smog are more experienced in urban areas. Not to include what you already had written. Personally, the effect of global warming would be felt more in 5 to 10 years to come. That is if don't do anything about it now.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Just a small observation. In this thread alone global warming is said to be responsible for flooding and drought. Both extremes of precipitation. How is this possible?

Ah yes. From the term 'global warming' one could think that the only effect we would see will be a warmer climate. But different regions around the world will see different effects. Global warming will not mean that we will get a nicer climate up here in northern Scandinavia. Global warming means a changing climate and more extreme weather. That's why the term 'climate change' is better. Regions that already see much rain will generally receive a wetter climate and dry regions will see an even hotter climate as global warming progresses. For example, Bangladesh is expected to see more rainfall as well as rising sea levels. Southern Europe that is already pretty warm will see increased temperatures and deadly heatwaves. We might even see more snow in some regions!

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