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Zero Waste Challenge! - Could you do it? :)


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So Zero Waste is a favorite concept of mine: in nature, there is no waste!

Leaves are recycled into compost, food leftovers become new lettuce...

So if Zero Waste truly became reality, there would be no need for nasty (& bad-smelling!) landfills & incinerators... producing toxics & poisoning the land.. & people...

Some companies (& laws) are going into this direction already... Are you?

This is a fun blog of how one family is tracking their progress toward Zero Waste: http://myzerowaste.com/

Found here: http://greengirlsglobal.com/

Do you give thought to disposal/reuse/recycling, when you buy products? Do you recycle? Are there enough recycling facilities around you?

Would you dare to take the zero waste week challenge? :)


(I know I'm a bit late with posting this, but I didn't know this site before! - & well, better start late than never, eh? :) )

What do you think?

Oh, typo in the topic title - can a mod or admin help? Seems I can't edit it.. :) It's supposed to be 'Could'!

Though maybe the question should be: Are you up for it? :)

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