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Your Favourite Social and Bookmark Site?

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Which is your favourite social network and/or bookmark site?

I used to love Newsvine before they were bought up by MSNBC and all the "normal" braindead people came... It kind of turned into a digg copy. :(


Simon how could you forget about about myspace??

Another vote for myspace - although I can not remember when I last logged on!


"normal" braindead people

As opposed to the abnormal braindead people which could greater segment of the population. B)


As opposed to the abnormal braindead people which could greater segment of the population. B)

And with that I meant people who just joined for starting flame wars, spam and post hate comments. You know, the average anonymous internet user. :ph34r:


If I could re-vote I would also vote for Delicious.

I've used Delicious in the past. You know. Before Yahoo! bought them. But back then I wasn't so fond of it.

But now... I love their new re-design and decided to register a new account. And I love it so much. :)

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