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Al Gore Fights Big Oil with New TV Ad

Green Blog

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Al Gore and the We Campaign is fighting big oil and their “drill, drill” message with a new TV ad. The new TV ad will be aired on national cable TV, and if they raise enough money they will also air it on 60 Minutes and 20/20 this coming week.

“I’ve been deeply frustrated. I suspect a lot of you have been too.

We’re facing such huge challenges and all you hear through the media are demagogic chants like “drill, drill, drill.”

Skyrocketing energy prices. The climate crisis. Unraveling financial markets. Wars that just happen to be in places with a lot of oil. These are all just different faces of exactly the same thing. As I’ve said in the past, we’re borrowing money from China to buy oil from the Persian Gulf to burn it in ways that destroy the future of human civilization. And every bit of that has to change.

We all know what we have to do. Ask anybody on the street and they’ll tell you. We need to “Repower America” — invest in ourselves, here at home, with clean, economical energy technologies that we know work. And be the global leader as these technologies take off around the world.

And ask anyone, and they’ll also tell you why it isn’t happening: the oil and coal lobbies — and the politicians who do their bidding.”

Learn about Al Gore’s clean renewable energy challenge for USA and why offshore drilling is not the answer to high gas prices.

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I think this is one of the most hard-hitting ads ever from the We Campaign. And it's no wonder that the ad has gotten massive donations... :)

Cathy Zoi, from the We Campaign, recently sent out this email:

Wow! I just got an update on the number of donations we received from Al Gore’s email. I couldn’t believe it. Just in the first 6 hours, folks gave more than $150,000 to get our Repower America ad on the air.

With your help, we can support a national CNN buy for the next week, too. Will you chip in to keep it on the air?

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