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The Best Way To Make Compost Easy,Energy,Recycle

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When I was 14 I started composting, with waterhose and pitchfork in hand I turn and watered everyday. I got my compost a lot faster but I put enough energy into it to build a house, hmmm youthful energy.

Now older and wiser I make ten times the compost for 1/50 the work and can use the extra energy saved to build a house, hmmm knowledge is key. This is how it's done.

I now make 10 times more compost with 1/50 the work and energy compared with how I did it over 35 years ago, when I turned it everyday. I reuse or recycle everything I can, and picked up some field fencing someone threw away. I made a bunch of cylinders out of the fencing as large as I could easily move around.

The most work and energy wasted is moving the compost. Put the cylinders where the future garden beds will be and layer them with small cut brush, organic material, manure, and dirt. Do this layer after layer , when they are done cover with dirt this will filter through the pile introducing anaerobic bacteria when it rains.

Then walk away and leave it alone and do nothing with it. Start another and finish, and keep doing this, after awhile you will have 2-3-4 or more cylinders full. Now in a years time use the first one, and then the next and if you continue this cycle of building and using, you will have compost forever with the least amount of work.

It's all good, coffee, veggie the only thing you don't want to put in is anything toxic. I remember visiting a old man when I was a kid he showed me his compost pile he was so proud of it. He told me how he raked up all his black and english walnut leaves and put all the walnut hulls back into it. Quite awhile later we went back to visit him and I asked how his compost pile was doing, as I had started one myself. He started cussing! It seems the walnut hulls are toxic full of tannin they are actully considered a toxic waste and are monitered at nut hulling packing operations as a toxic waste.

Well he killed his plants that he put his compost on. He had to throw it all away. Said he would never compost again! I told him that was wrong, he inspired me to compost, and he just couldn't quit! I am not a quitter and I wasn't going to let him quit either. It was just a mistake with the walnuts. Lucky for me I didn't have any walnuts in my pile. I told him not to give up and he said he would try again but not with the f%#@#*g walnuts.

Another friend at a waste water plant decided to compost all the solid waste from the waste water plant. It sounded like a great idea? It could feed crops, it was a BIG MISTAKE! Turns out it was full of heavy metals and chemicals from what people put down their drains. It cost a fortune to package and haul it off as a toxic waste.

If you follow my advise a cylinder is stronger than a square and easier just cut the wire so one side has longer wires to bend around you can us it over and over. You want to fill it up and leave it. Get back to it in a year and use it.

I just opened one of my compost cyliners today. with my fingers i went down the seam and straightened the wire where I joined the cylinder and peeled it back took 3 minutes. I tell you this is the way to go it's free if you can find the fencing and there is no easier way i know of. It really works and will save you time and money.

Thinking out the compost pile can save you lots of time, money, and energy, making it a pleasure not so much of a chore.

  • 11 months later...

i'll do that.it's a great idea ,much better than some of the complicated things you read anybody can do this.

  • 2 years later...

I use composting worms to get my compost work done. I have my own little worm bin and have it in the garage. Then when I need to have some compost I just go out and harvest it. This works out really well and the vermicompost is some of the richest available for using in the garden.

  • 2 months later...

I'm a bit of a compost nerd. Our compost is made purely from plant matter, vegetable peels, seeds etc. Everything we don't eat is placed in a bag and then taken down the end of the garden and placed in the composte. The vegetables we use are homegrown as well, so everything is recycled and organic.


composting is so simple, I love that id doesnt matter how little space you have you can do it in a 5 gallon bucket.

  • 1 year later...

I was able to get a "free" black plastic pipe that is about 24 inches in circumference.  I cut it so that it stands about 4 feet high and I use that for my compost.  It works great because the sun hits it and I have made really good soil with this.  

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