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Im not even sure why I am asking this - but - is anyone going to watch this years Eurovision Song Contest?



Don't watch TV - so I'll change the habit of many years on Saturday.


Im not even sure why I am asking this - but - is anyone going to watch this years Eurovision Song Contest?


Maybe i will. although i know that Portugal has no chance of winning :/


Don't watch TV - so I'll change the habit of many years on Saturday.

Left the not out:

Don't watch TV - so I'll NOT change the habit of many years on Saturday.


Maybe i will. although i know that Portugal has no chance of winning :/

Ahh dont say that. Who knows? :rolleyes:

Left the not out:

Don't watch TV - so I'll NOT change the habit of many years on Saturday.

Ahh and here I thought you were an hardcore EuroVision fan ;)


Ahh and here I thought you were an hardcore EuroVision fan ;)

When I was 5 I was the Puppet on a String on the local carnival float. We won - just like Sandie Shaw.


I will probably watch parts of it. It's kind of an interesting show letting all these countries come togheter and waste money. ;)

Also, I think it's funny that the little fascist and nationalistic Serbia will be "invaded by gay people".. :lol:

When I was 5 I was the Puppet on a String on the local carnival float. We won - just like Sandie Shaw.

See, I had to google Sandie Shaw.. But it was nice that you won! :cute:


I will probably watch parts of it. It's kind of an interesting show letting all these countries come togheter and waste money. ;)

Also, I think it's funny that the little fascist and nationalistic Serbia will be "invaded by gay people".. :lol:

See, I had to google Sandie Shaw.. But it was nice that you won! :cute:

I had not thought of the homophobia angle, but a nice thought.

Did not expect you to remember Sandie Shaw winning Eurovision - I only remember because of the float.


Ahh dont say that. Who knows? :rolleyes:

Well i know that Portugal won't win.

With so many good bands and singers, they keep betting in the same kind of music boring and melancholic


Well i know that Portugal won't win.

With so many good bands and singers, they keep betting in the same kind of music boring and melancholic

Well.. Portugal didn't win.. :rolleyes:

My fav was Iceland.. Cause I like eurodance/disco :cute:

But holy something.. How could Russia win? I mean really..

I had not thought of the homophobia angle, but a nice thought.

Russia won, so back to the same fascist and nationalistic thingy again.. :(


I'm glad that Russia won.I am from Serbia,and I think that the best song won.It is true that politic play great part at this contest.In eastern europe we stick together ( only when we're not fighting each other) but also,russian song is closer to our mentality then any other song from western europe.


I'm glad that Russia won.I am from Serbia,and I think that the best song won.It is true that politic play great part at this contest.In eastern europe we stick together ( only when we're not fighting each other) but also,russian song is closer to our mentality then any other song from western europe.

But why, it just makes it so boring..

Yeah, how could they win?!

Obviously Spain was the best of the show :rolleyes:


Hey, Spain wasn't that bad! ;)

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