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OS/2 is a highly developed windows like opperating system developed by Microsoft and IBM, as a delux version of windows for IBM computers. Unfortunately IBM discontinued support a few years ago. Being a fan of open source software I would like to bring to everyones attention a petition to encourage IBM to release OS/2 to open source developers:


www.os2world.com also gives a lot more information about OS/2.

The French ATM system is the largest OS/2 system at present. Open Source OS/2 would allow development to continue, and allow there to be a wider choice of opperating systems should you wish to avoid M/soft.

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OS/2 is a highly developed windows like opperating system developed by Microsoft and IBM, as a delux version of windows for IBM computers. Unfortunately IBM discontinued support a few years ago. Being a fan of open source software I would like to bring to everyones attention a petition to encourage IBM to release OS/2 to open source developers:


www.os2world.com also gives a lot more information about OS/2.

The French ATM system is the largest OS/2 system at present. Open Source OS/2 would allow development to continue, and allow there to be a wider choice of opperating systems should you wish to avoid M/soft.

Waste of time! The reason that OS/2 failed in the marketplace was that IBM failed to court the desktop software providers and it was never marketed or promoted as a "delux" version of windows.

IE., an OS is worthless to the average person if most of the current software will not run on it. The current verson of Windows and Linux have both advanced far beyond where OS/2 is. OS/2 is so far behind Linux as an "open" platform that it can never catch up.

Will IBM release it? No, it is not in their current interest to release their rights to the software. The have a heavy commitment to Microsoft Windows and Linux at a time when they cannot afford to switch horses. They see this as competition, they have trained people in Windows and Linux. The "open" community has endorsed Linux they are not going to change either.

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I am aware that within the open source community there are many who would view the world as two camps, Microsoft/(Apple?) v Linux.

I tend to believe that anything that is not M/soft is good (although I'm hesitant about Apple because where they have market domminance (iTunes) they behave as badly as M/soft). Any alternative, or historical system with a continuing userbase is a line of risistance against the m/soft machine. I rejoice that there are still people who who keep older systems going, e.g.:


because one of these seeds may come to the fore, as the system that captures the needs of future desktop / divice users.

M/soft is bothered by any slight sucess of other operating systems:


Therfore, using other os's has an effect.

Yesterday I spent a few hours browsing with A:Browse on the Syllable os (ids as Ohter os, Netscape 4, on green blog counter) - Very enjoyable. Whilst Linux is the main OS in our house, I also like to use others, because they all have potential.

I do not believe its good to put all the eggs in one basket.

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I am aware that within the open source community there are many who would view the world as two camps, Microsoft/(Apple?) v Linux.

I tend to believe that anything that is not M/soft is good (although I'm hesitant about Apple because where they have market domminance (iTunes) they behave as badly as M/soft).

Sadly, Apple some times is worse that M/soft. Apple has always had a problem with marketing. Graphics techs love it but they have not figured out how to market to the average user.. M/soft has, and does a good job to the majority of the commercial customers.

You can have the best mouse trap in the world, but, if you don't if you don't understand the potential and you don't know how to tell anyone its pretty much wasted... Company called Convergent had an OS that had network printing long before M/soft. They had zero vision as to how to market it, fell by the wayside when another company bought them that had even less vision...

M/soft is smart when it comes to marketing, look for them to come out with a "green" laptop, bamboo case and huge reduction in power requirements. Lots of politically correct "green" people will rush out and buy one :D .

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Apple is just as bad as Microsoft. The only difference is that they have a smaller market share.

MS OS is more open than Apple OS and thats why they have succeded. Apple would be a lot bigger if they just allowed their OS to run on all kinds of computers and not just their own.

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Apple is just as bad as Microsoft. The only difference is that they have a smaller market share.

MS OS is more open than Apple OS and thats why they have succeded. Apple would be a lot bigger if they just allowed their OS to run on all kinds of computers and not just their own.

I don't think that a negative point for apple, quite the opposite, coz that way you have an OS specifically created for that type of computer and not an OS made for many computers

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Apple is just as bad as Microsoft. The only difference is that they have a smaller market share.

MS OS is more open than Apple OS and thats why they have succeded. Apple would be a lot bigger if they just allowed their OS to run on all kinds of computers and not just their own.

True, however, they made a choice to be hardware+software seller and the OS is locked into the hardware at this point. For that reason, as you point out, they will never be a bigger player in the market place. Which may well be the reason they are expanding into other areas.

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