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My new friend...


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About 2 days ago my family found this cat ouside their home. We think it is cat that has been lost form it's home.

It's an old kitty, not more than one year old.

We have talked with the police but they havent recieved any reports about any kinds of mssing cats the past week.

The cat hadn't any necklace or any serial number on it with the owners information. So on friday we will head to the veterinary and see if it has a chip that can tell us who is the owner.

Hopefully we will find his owners..

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Great!!I'm happy you found the owners,it would be quite impossible here in greece,lol!

I have a cat too,but it lives in the streets and comes once a week for hugs!never for food,quite weird...it's a boy and I've named him Matthew,boring name,I know.

hahah now thats funny.

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Well, I have pidgeys on my balcony...

They're beautiful, I laugh a lot with them!!! I sit in the other corner of the balcony just to wahct them!!! Last weak two little pidgeys fly for their first time... It was great!!! cute.gif Anyway last year it was ok, this year, they are 7-10 pidgeys trying to find a hall in my balcony to make a nest!!! superirritated.gif They're giving me a headache...

But I can still manage them around my balcony... I wonder?! If next year become 20 pidgeys what am i gonna do???

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Well, I have pidgeys on my balcony...

They're beautiful, I laugh a lot with them!!! I sit in the other corner of the balcony just to wahct them!!! Last weak two little pidgeys fly for their first time... It was great!!! Anyway last year it was ok, this year, they are 7-10 pidgeys trying to find a hall in my balcony to make a nest!!! They're giving me a headache...

But I can still manage them around my balcony... I wonder?! If next year become 20 pidgeys what am i gonna do???


Well, you can always try to put an fake owl on your balcony (or some other animal that the pidgeons are afraid of).

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