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The Root of All Evil?


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  • 5 months later...

Have just watched both films. Do not think either side is 100% right or wrong - but worth watching, because it is good to re-question what you believe :thoughtful:

Might put another post on....when I have done more thinking :thoughtful:

Are you a believer? :halo:

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Yes, Yes while I am Christian and follow some traditions I do not believe what a priest is saying! Not a word. I don't even go to church and I was only present on mass when people got married :D

Down with not the religion and tradition but down with religious institutions !!!

That is my opinon.

I would recommend Zeitgeist to all !

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Well, there is a major differance between reasoned and rational thoughts and to believe (and worship) a god.

There is a saying that the view depends upon which mountain you are stood upon.

As someone who has worked in a scientific research establishment, doing research sponsored by an EEC quango, I find it difficult to accept that science is objective, partly its who pays the piper, partly its how can I make a name for myself (don't let results that do not fit the theory get in the way of a good paper), and partly its what your peer group is expecting - hence, DL Henshaw was a maverick, but is no longer, and Rupert Sheldrake is still a maverick.

I know many people who reason, and weigh all the evidence as objectively as they can, but still come out with silly answers. Because someone is a scientist, does not mean they never come out with silly answers.

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