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Cigarettes kill our enviroment!!!

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Yesterday, I was passing through a hill near kalamata which was burning right that time and from what i was talled the fire started because of single cigarette!!! the hall area was mobilized... farmers with their trucks, firemen, airplanes, helicopters... all that for a fu....ing cigarette!!! I'm so pissed with this insensibility!!! I bet that most of these fires started because of cigarettes

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Yesterday, I was passing through a hill near kalamata which was burning right that time and from what i was talled the fire started because of single sigarette!!! the hall area was mobilized... farmers with their trucks, firemen, airplanes, helicopters... all that for a fu....ing sigarette!!! I'm so pissed with this insensibility!!! I bet that most of these fires started because of sigarettes

You're right, many forest fires are provoked by cigarettes, because people throw them away without caring to where they go


most fires in greece started because of this!!! About 80% of greek people are smoking... it's was expected that we will have so many fires. But our goverment did nothing to avert it...


Cigarettes doesn't just kill people in cancer, they also start wildfires...


exactly... Killing themselves isn't enough!!! they want to take more with them


A cigarette also produces great quantities of carbon dioxide and other chemicals...Moreover,when it's thrown in water,it pollutes it with nicotine,that's why the water turns yellow.I've seen so many times on the streets birds drinking this polluted water,and crabs and small fish leaving in small ponds full of nicotine near the sea..It's just too unhealthy from every aspect.Not just for our health,but for the greenhouse effect and the health of many other animals. icon_mad.gif


true and sad to. But the most bad is done to the forests!!! by a singel cigarette a hall forest can burn down!!! smoking should be banned!!! The only thing it does, is bad! No good at all.


true and sad to. But the most bad is done to the forests!!! by a singel cigarette a hall forest can burn down!!! smoking should be banned!!! The only thing it does, is bad! No good at all.

Agree,smoking must be banned. It would be good for the planet, for us and for the animals and plants


I think it should be banned too,but I also think of those people who can't cut down on it,you know it's really hard...And there would also be a problem with all these industries who produce cigarettes..so many people will lose there jobs...It can't happen just like that...


I think it should be banned too,but I also think of those people who can't cut down on it,you know it's really hard...And there would also be a problem with all these industries who produce cigarettes..so many people will lose there jobs...It can't happen just like that...

Yeah i know, there must be a gradually change


That's right...But it has to start at last..In Britain they have taken pretty nice steps...Quite strict..I hope sth like that would happen here as well.


A good way to stop cigarettes spreading out is by stopping their commercials about them!!! I think in the us it's already been done!!!


We are lucky not to have commercials about cigarettes on TV,but there are still plenty of them in newspapers etc..what about other countries?Has anything been done to stop commercials?


We are lucky not to have commercials about cigarettes on TV,but there are still plenty of them in newspapers etc..what about other countries?Has anything been done to stop commercials?

I think in the usa has already beendone. for example formula1 most cars have commercials on them of cigarettes,in the usa they must remove them of the cars, cause its illegal... That's what i know....


In Sweden we dont have any commercials for cigarettes. We also have a warning text on the cigarette packages.

We also just to have a ban on commercials for various Alcohol drinks. But EU stopped that one because they thought it was a threat to the "free market"...


An article I read yesterday stated that smoker rates are declining in Britain,but drug users and alcoholics are increasing...Maybe that measure was too sudden to be taken,and people found other ways to do sth bad...I dunno...

Here we still have commercials about drinks on TV...but it's not serious,we mostly have problem with the smokers rates


In Portugal it's illegal to make publicity to cigarettes.

Do you know why the ferrari F1 team cars are red?

Because they are sponserd by marlboro


In Portugal it's illegal to make publicity to cigarettes.

Do you know why the ferrari F1 team cars are red?

Because they are sponserd by marlboro

We know about that!!! thumbup.gif when the grand prix moves to usa, the hall car is left with red and no sponsors( except of shell) because of that measure!!!


We know about that!!! when the grand prix moves to usa, the hall car is left with red and no sponsors( except of shell) because of that measure!!!

F1 may be an exciting sport and everything, but they are also a big polluter


F1 may be an exciting sport and everything, but they are also a big polluter icon_sad.gif

Yeah, that's true. But their having plans about it. they want to decrease the power of the engines to decrease the pollution they cause!!!


But if they decrease the power of the engines,wont the cars be less fast?People wouldn't like this,they like to see them moving like a rocket or something


that's the problem that they're dealing!!! But if we want to change how people think of power,F1 is the best way to do this!!! And people don't want to see move like rockets! they like more to see 22000 rpm's and the 4-6G's that hits them from both sides!!! I also believe that by decreasing the power of the engine is also removed a lot of weight, so the power will deal the car the same as before!!!


The F1 cars can't reach more than 300km/h because of safety reasons and some people think that that is stupid and prefer to watch NASCAR or something because they can reach higher speeds. So if they decrease the power of the cars and if the speed of them decrease they will lose more audience


I don't get it!? why people watch F1? speed? F1 wasn't made for the top speeds... That's why the courts don't have long and straight roads!!! F1 was made for the high rpm's and and the G's that the driver experiences!!!


Whatever it is that makes them look so appealing to some of us,it doesn't stop them from being high pollutant.Not only when the events of F1 are carried out,but also when the cars are made etc...every stage of F1 is pollutant,and must be changed

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