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Could London Become Plastic Free?


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Plastic bags have been disappearing from towns and cities all over the world. San Fransisco, Modbury and Fitzroy Falls, as well as shops like Ikea. Many European countries have long charged for plastic bags, which has created a culture where people regularly bring their own reusable bags to supermarkets. This is just as convenient, and the waste savings are enormous.

In a surprising, but fantastic move, council leaders have suggested that London could be declared a plastic bag free zone. They would either be banned outright, or priced at 10p to both discourage their use and raise finds for recycling efforts.

The proposal will be put forward to politicians in November, and will hopefully become law soon after. Merrick Cockell, Conservative leader of the London Councils organisation, said, "the proposals for a plastic bag levy underline our commitment to addressing these concerns. We hope Londoners will join with us in commending these proposals to parliament to create a greener, safer city."

There are over 8 million people in London, and if they all get one bag a day (probably a conservative estimate), then that's 8 million per day, and 2,920,000,000 per year. That's a huge amount of plastic to save, and it would require only one law to be passed, and for people to think ahead before going shopping. Easy. Let's just hope that the law gets passed.

http://www.treehugger.com/files/2007/07 ... _ban_p.php

What are your thoughts about this? I think it's a great idea that more cities and countries should consider.

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