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Nightclubs Going Green


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Al Gore’s Live Earth concerts used music to send the ‘green’ message. Nightclubs are now sending their own ‘green’ messages by implementing innovative ways to ‘green-up’ their facilities.

Experts say that the average nightclub consumes 140 times the energy of an average household. Some ‘eco-chic’ clubs are taking steps to combat this usage by using dancefloors that generate electricity and stationary bikes that power the DJ booth. Despite these steps, some are skeptical. "Without them providing an estimate of energy reduction or environmental impact, it seems like hype to me," said Texas Tech University professor Glenn Hill, a specialist in sustainable architecture.

But clubs are continuing to make the effort. Greenhouse, a new Manhattan nightclub, is applying for LEED certification through the U.S. Green Building Council for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design. The space will be crafted from recycled materials and have the feel of a flashy nature preserve, complete with a huge waterfall and a ceiling made of live plants.

Chicago's Butterfly Social Club features a bicycle pedaled by the employees to power the DJ booth and drink machines. The club also uses solar panels and makes most of the drinks instead of buying canned drinks. Apparently going ‘green’ can make green.

From http://news.fusionchicago.com/articles/ ... ?a=242&z=4

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OMG!!! This is really impressive but i don't think that it's really gonna change the minds of the owners,because most of them are on mafia or in gangs. If you say to them about green-clubs, they might shoot you!!! It might sound unreal but believe me they don't care a bit about enviroment!Only for money!!!

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