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It was advisable that we should choose to consume organic foods as much as possible since these kind of foods could be more nutritious and safer to consume. And also it was more earth friendly since no fertilizers or any other chemicals are being used to it.

Do you consume organic foods as much as possible? Or there are so many hindrances for you to be able to consume organic foods?


Ideally, I would prefer all our foods to be bought organic - however, right now I would say we are eating 50-50. This is due to the high prices, I do not mind paying more for quality but when all expenses are taken into account - where we are right now, organic food is very expensive. It has been said that it will be getting more affordable in the future, so certain things particularly vegetables and fruits we try to buy organic. The rest, like milk and meat...we simply cannot right now.

We grow our own herbs and some vegetables organically. I also like buying organic because other than it being great for health etc - it also creates job opportunities for others. This is wonderful and necessary so I am very much FOR buying and growing organic. For sure!

  • 2 weeks later...

As much as they are healthier than the other foods, in my country they are the most expensive. Given that the inflation rate is still making our life's miserable, it is a bit hard to afford them I do agree with you though they are environmentally friendly due to non use of chemicals and fertilizers.

  • 4 months later...

I do buy organic food. I have researched the foods which are most heavily sprayed with pesticides, foods like celery and apples, I buy organic celery and apples. I also buy organic meat in bulk, the quality of meat is far superior and it causes less damage to the environment.


We do buy organic foods. However, it's difficult to stick to eating organic foods when we go out to dine. My fiance and I like to treat ourselves to meals at new restaurants, and it's quite difficult to find organic meals in restaurants here. It's not as big as it is in the US.


I eat as much organic foods as possible. Not only do they have fewer chemicals, but they also have a higher vitamin content. So I know I am going to get the best possible results from eating this healthy food compared to the stuff which is sold in the stores and sat for Lord knows how long before being released to the general public to buy.


I do buy a lot of organic fruit because fruit has a ton of pesticides. I do scrub and wash all of my fruits and veggies too, but I just feel better eating organic and free range. I can tell the difference.


The problem with saying to eat organic and free-range is knowing what is legally required for those titles to be true. Free-range means that the animals have to be outside, it doesn't mean they have to be allowed total freedom of motion. I don't really care because chickens are stupid, filthy creatures who should definitely not be allowed to roam. Organic means no pesticides and avoiding contaimination from a long list of things. The problem is that all it takes is the runoff from a nearby farm or wind carrying GMO seeds over and that crop is ruined which is why it is not a profitble thing and why it will never be inexpensive or especially widespread. Of course it wouldn't be possible to do on a large scale anyway because the demand would never be satisfied by the supply the way it is now.

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