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I have often said I have no desire to be buried after I die.  I believe that eventually the Earth will fill up with human remains if people continue with the custom of burial.  Further, who takes care of the cemeteries long after relatives have passed on? After Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans had challenges with caring for tombs and graves.  I have gone with cremation as the best option.  However, I'm wondering what the greenest option is for disposal of human remains.  Even with donating the body to science, there will eventually be a need to dispose of the body.  Thus, has anyone done research about the greenest option for moving from this plane to the next?  


I have no problems with donating my body to science once I am dead. And I rather want to be cremated than put in a dark hole somewhere. This >biodegradable urn, which contains a tree seed that gets it nutrients from your ashes, seems like an eco-friendly solution.


Me too, I'll probably give mine to science too, at least I'll still be useful after death haha.


On the topic, I think being buried is a little outdated and on the future people will stop doing it. Let's see.


I'm not sure it is burial itself that is the problem but rather the way we bury people in modern times, with embalming and coffins designed in such a way that they do not succumb to the natural processes of decomposition. But because those things are, in many places, a matter of health codes or other regulations I do believe cremation is the more eco-friendly option of those currently available to us. Personally I like the idea of the biodegradable urn; let me become part of my gardens when I'm gone and I'll go to my rest a happy woman.

  • 6 months later...

I so no need for a burial. The spirit of the person is no longer there and the body is going to decay. I do not want this and would prefer to be cremated. I don't like the idea of some type of monument where people continuously visit.


I agree that cremation is more practical compared to a traditional burial. First off, cremation its much less expensive. Last time I heard, buying a piece of land in a cemetery is really expensive, plus cemeteries where I live have annual or monthly maintenance fees associated to them. A side from that, you need to buy a coffin, which isn't cheap, not to mention the embalming cost. I really don't want to put that financial burden on my family. Its a good idea in terms of space as well.


Personally, and probably the biggest factor as to why I rather not be buried is I don't want my family and friends looking at my corpse after I'm dead, I just find it unsettling.

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