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Green Home Locations: 4 of the Best Places to Live Right Now


One of the most desirable attributes that many real estate shoppers are looking for these days is a neighborhood that is green. This includes neighborhoods that have a lot of green buildings as well as places that have a lot of green amenities that make living an eco-friendly lifestyle easier. If you are looking for a green place to call your home, here is a look at four of the greenest locations that you should consider.

Mueller, Texas

It probably comes as no surprise to most folks that one of the greenest neighborhoods in the United States is located in Austin. This neighborhood has ample public transportation and loads of open green spaces. All the roads comes with bike lanes to make zero-carbon commuting in the gorgeous Austin weather a breeze. Austin also has tons of farmers markets and green grocery stores.

Madison Street, Tennessee

This used to be one of the most rundown neighborhoods in Chattanooga. This all changed when a green initiative was launched to transform Madison Street into the location of Tennessee’s first LEED-certified homes. All the new buildings in the neighborhood are made from locally manufactured and harvested materials. It is now a community of artists that has all the eco-friendly attributes that you could wish for.

Liberty Village, Ontario

This Toronto neighborhood is a great place for people who want to live a green lifestyle. It is located next to several public transportation options to make commuting greenly a breeze. It also has a lot of green spaces to enjoy. There is also a lovely farmers market that allows shoppers access to locally grown foods. Learn more about this lovely place at Renters Guide. You can find a place to live in this progressive and stylish area.

Northwest Crossing, Oregon

While Portland gets a lot of press when it comes to green communities, this Bend neighborhood is actually the greenest place to live in the state of Oregon. It is surrounded by 32 acres of parks that give residents ample green space to enjoy. The neighborhood was designed to make it easy to walk or bike to everything that residents need like stores and entertainment. All the homes in the neighborhood have been certified organic by the prestigious Earth Advantage program.

If you are looking to transform your lifestyle into an eco-friendly one, one of the most important steps to change it is to find someplace to live that offers green living. These four neighborhoods all allow residents to enjoy green living without sacrificing comfort. They are a great place to start for people looking for green spaces to live.



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