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Top 7 baby gifts for baby shower


Baby shower is a special occasion to celebrate the anticipated birth of a baby. It is the time when friends and family get together to share the joys and happiness of proud-to-be-parents. It is a popular tradition to give gifts to to-be-parents to help them get ready for parenthood.

If you are confused what baby gift to buy for your friend’s baby shower, here are the top 7 baby gifts that you can consider.

  1. Baby bedding-any new parent will love to receive an extra pair of baby bedding. Look for soft, fitted bottom sheets and soft and cosy blankets. Baby bedding comes in several colours and patterns to suit varied themes and needs.

  2. Baby clothing-you can never have enough of them. New babies soil diapers several times in a day. They burp and vomit and dirty their clothes so often. You can gift baby clothing to your friend on baby shower. She would love to get comfortable, and simple-to-wear infant clothing for her messy, little bundle of joy.

  3. Baby activity gym-baby activity gym aids in the development of eyesight and gross motor skills of the babies. It features a soft cloth and toys suspended from soft bar or arch. Babies get enthralled in an activity gym and parents enjoy watching their little one smiling and playing.

  4. Bouncy seat-This versatile, portable piece of baby gear features cheerful fabric stretched across a metal or plastic frame. There are straps to ensure baby’s safety. Some bouncy seat models are battery operated and let the babies enjoy a rhythmic and more soothing bounce.

  5. Baby monitor-a baby monitor makes yet another wonderful gift for baby showers. New parents feel comfortable and assured with a portable baby monitor in their kitchen or on their bedside. Good baby monitors are able to pick up even the faintest breaths and slightest moves of babies.

  6. Baby bath essentials-baby bath essentials make fun and practical baby gift for new babies and parents. It includes baby shampoo, baby soap, washcloth, hooded towel, baby comb, brush, powder, baby bath toys, diapers and wipes.

  7. Parenting books-well, first-time parents would really appreciate this gift. Parenting books have it all. From feeding to burping to changing diapers and soothing a crying baby, these books provide practically useful tips for new parents to help them take good care of their new born babies. You can search online for good parenting books to gift to your friend.

There are so many other baby gifts that you can buy for baby shower. It is advisable to get online to find the best gift to congratulate your expecting friend and to welcome her tiny little one.



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