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Ways to Recycle more in the Office

If you’re the manager or employee of a big office, you have a good idea of how much things go to waste. Especially supplies like paper, pencils, pens and even utilities like water and electricity are taken for granted. So, as an administrator you may wish to reduce wastage and also expenses for supplies. Recycling is taken seriously these days by most offices. Not only is it eco friendly, but more and more offices are generating high grade waste paper every year. Paper is the largest municipal solid waste stream. What can you do with paper other than throwing them away? Generally, paper is a recyclable material with a few exceptions as not all types of paper can be recycled.

Let's see how paper is recycled..

At a local recycling site, paper is collected and graded into different qualities. The grade of the paper depends on the fiber strength. If the paper has been recycled more than five times, the fiber will be too short to make new paper. It will be then mixed with virgin fibers to make new paper from them. This means that if you own an office shredder you can contribute to the recycling process by shredding the wasted paper in your office. You can probably send the paper to a local recycler who will be able to pick it up from your office every now and then. Some recyclers will even pay you for the shredded paper.

Why should you shred your paper documents?

If you shred your company documents, you will eliminate any privacy concerns that may arise out of competitors viewing them and gaining any advantage. You will also free up much needed space in your office that can be put to better use. By shredding unwanted paper your office will become more efficient as well because of less clutter on the desks of your employees.

Professional Excel Shred Montreal will be ideal for those offices having a big volume of paperwork. It is better to hire a professional shredding company to do this job as their specialized equipment will be able to shred much quicker thereby saving your employees valuable time that they would otherwise spend shredding. Another benefit is that shredding companies will give you a guarantee of destruction and the exact time your boxes of documents have been shredded. You will not have to worry about improperly done jobs and other issues. The professional companies will have mobile shredders that do the job right on your office premises so that you have no doubt about its authenticity and speed.

Other ways you can recycle in your office premises includes reducing the usage of plastics as in plastic cups for coffee machines etc. Find creative ways to reduce the usage of electricity and non recyclable materials in the office and you can help the environment and also reduce costs.



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