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Eco Tourism in Dubai

Eco tourism is tourism that is designed to make sure that when one travels to a new place, one does so without creating problems for the environment. In general, eco tourism is a process where people can visit the world in a loving and intelligent way. Many countries have worked to help make eco tourism a possibility in their nations. In the small Middle Eastern nation of Dubai, eco tourism has become a real practice, one that travellers everywhere should welcome and embrace fully.


One of the most important things that natives have done to encourage eco tourism is to make sure all newly built houses and other kinds of construction such as hotels are eco friendly. In many instances, newly built houses and hotels are designed to work with the intensely hot Dubai climate. The Dubai region often gets a lot of heat and very little water. Designers and builders have worked with scientists and urban planners to help create structures that provide shade and coolness without using too much water or energy. Many new area buildings in Dubai are built with high tech materials that allow the building to absorb heat when necessary and use it to provide power for the residents living there. A lot of these buildings are being blogged and written about as they are much more eco friendly and are setting a great example for the rest of the country and world to follow.


The Dubai government has also aimed to help residents and visitor’s alike work to reduce their use of non-renewable energy sources such as oil and other fossil fuels. The Dubai government actively encourages people to make use of sources of power such as solar and wind power.

The government encourages those visiting the region to embrace the area's natural culture and attractions. To that end, tourists are welcomed into activities that work with area attractions. For example, desert hikes are highly popular here. Desert hikes allow people to go camping and hiking in the local mountains. They also encourage people to go snorkelling and scuba diving off the coast of the city, in an area where people can see many kinds of wildlife in their natural habitat. These areas are located just outside the city and make an easy day trip for many people visiting the region. Visiting here allows the traveller to participate in efforts to help maintain the natural beauty of the area's classic desert landscape.

Eco tourism can be a great way to see the world. Visit Dubai knowing that you will have many opportunities to be an eco tourist here.


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Dubai has taken adequate steps to promote eco-tourism and has been fairly successful so far, I work for Aston Pearl Real Estate and our office is in the same building highlighted in the post above, its an amazing experience to work in such a building.

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