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4 Tips for Finding the Greenest Used Vehicles

An environmentally friendly car is society’s attempt to reduce air pollution and decrease everyone’s dependence on gasoline. However, buying a brand-new hybrid or electric car is not an option for everyone. Sometimes, it works to compromise by looking at the features that make a car green and the features that don’t make it green. Here are 4 tips to consider as you look for green used vehicles.

Compare the Gas Mileage

Gas mileage, also known as fuel efficiency, determines how far the car goes without needing to be refueled. This rate is the most important factor to consider when looking at an energy-efficient vehicle. You should not automatically choose the vehicle with the highest mpg ratio, though. You also need to consider other design features, such as the car’s engine, tires, weight and type of oil, that affect its energy efficiency.

Compare the Toxic Emissions Rate

A great deal of a city’s air, soil and water pollution comes from cars. In major cities, much of the toxic air pollution is caused by vehicle emissions. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency sets Tier 2 and Tier 3 standards to limit the amount of emissions that are released by certain types of vehicle. People who want used vehicles should review the general toxic emissions ratings that are available.

Compare Hybrid vs Non-Hybrid Vehicles

When people hear of energy-efficient cars, they often hear of hybrids that run on petroleum and electricity. It’s not necessary to buy a hybrid to drive an environmentally friendly car. It is necessary to learn the similarities and differences between hybrid vehicles and non-hybrid electric or gas-powered vehicles.

Compare the Repair Rates

When buying a green used vehicle, avoid the one that requires a lot of repairs. It may be cheaper, but it consumes more energy than a healthy vehicle. A damaged car emits more toxic gases into the air as it struggles to work properly and becomes overheated. Make sure that your chosen car is built well with a long lifespan, and have it maintained at least once year.

Green used car buying is not always straightforward. Sometimes, it takes learning the basics of hybrid and electric vehicles that you’ve heard of but know nothing about. But your efforts of trying to save energy and the environment will pay off in the end. Continue to review the tips and tricks of finding the best deal for your used vehicle.


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