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4 Energy-Efficient Improvements to Make in Your Home

Because the energy costs keep rising, you might be looking for ways to be more energy-efficient without causing a hole in your budget this winter. Before throwing yourself on unplanned investments consider getting a quick energy assessment so you can determine how much energy your house uses. This small assessment will include an energy rating that indicates how energy-efficient is your home and what upgrades you could choose. These upgrades might prove essential for your home and family and moreover, you’ll cut from the unexpected energy expenses you encounter every winter. As you know, there is no good investment without a well-planned budget and patience. There are definitely plenty of upgrading options so you can obtain better control over energy-efficient features in your home. Here are a couple of energy-saving must-haves to include in your home this winter.  



1.    Invest in Proper Insulation

One of the most efficient ways to keep your home warm this winter and save money is to make a good investment in proper insulation. It is well-known that a quarter of a home’s heat is lost through the uninsulated spaces in your house such as the floor or certain roof spaces. Insulating your home should be the best investment you’ve made this year because it will offer you great durability and will maintain your home cosy during the whole winter. There are plenty of guides you could use to learn how to properly insulate your home. Make short research and see which material are best for you home. You have a variety of natural materials such as sheep’s wool or why not, loose cellulose which is made from recycled newspaper. Mineral wool is known to be one of the best because it has amazing sound-insulation features and even better, has good fire resistance. 

2.    Efficient Heating Systems

Because when we talk about the most efficient home heating upgrades, we should be talking about efficiency from the perspective of financial costs and even more environmental costs. Plan accordingly and review every heating system in your house. See which one should be replaced or perhaps upgraded. Schedule in time your annual service to ensure your boiler is working properly, but if it’s more than 10 or 11 years you should consider replacing it.

A good boiler is easy to find and all you have to do is to take the perfect measurements to see where it can fit best in your house. You can even opt for a steam boiler rental for when you’re using your house just for holidays or you’re planning to move soon. To avoid extra expenses on heat, make sure you check if your radiators and boilers are working effectively and if you see some changes in your energy bill after you’ve made the upgrades.  

3.    Smart Appliances

You already know that upgrading your home for this winter requires patience and good taste in choosing the right appliances that look great and consume less. As DOE says, your appliances account for almost 15% of your house’s energy consumption. A great solution to decrease your consumption level would be to invest, for example, in a smart lighting system. This will offer you long-term durability you’ll avoid plenty of expenses because you won’t have to replace your bulbs every month. Smart bulbs, for example, are amazing in helping users to streamline their lighting system because they can be controlled very easily using just a smartphone. Another great solution for your home would be investing in smart plugs if you wish to have control or monitor your appliances energy usage. 

4.    Consider Premium Windows

This should be another long-term amazing investment that your house would need because as you know a lot of your home’s heat is lost through the old windows. We know that many people would choose old windows style just because they wish to add some charm in their homes, but this is not actually a great idea, especially when you want to avoid extra expenses on your energy bill. When you plan to make accountable upgrades to maintain a stable temperature in your home during this winter you should opt for premium windows. This would help more than you think to both save money on energy and care for the environment. 

For those who consider some improvements in their home this winter, must know that this requires more than just replacing your fridge or boiler. You should handle everything with care and patience and of course, a well-developed plan. Before throwing yourself on these investments be sure you consult in detail with your family. After all, your family needs are extremely important when you choose to make some major changes in your home.

 There are plenty of specialized companies, perfect for those who can’t handle home renovations by themselves. Above all, you could use a professional opinion before planning to upgrade your home. Make a list with whatever you consider needs improvements and negotiate with a specialist or someone who already made these changes in his home.

This won’t be an easy task and you know it because people often tend to underestimate this process. Be smart and when you start shopping for new energy-saving appliances such as light bulbs and heating systems be sure you have a well-prepared budget. This is not like you’re just buying a new pair of shoes, it’s a long-term investment that may affect your budget if you’re not doing it properly. There is a possibility to make these new small adjustments in your home without undertaking major works, but this often depends on what type of home you have. If your home is an old one, this means you’ll have more things to work at and you’ll need a proper budget to finish your project before winter. In other ways, to save energy this winter would mean to make a big an wise investment and this should be achievable if you’re planning smart. 




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